[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Napoleon intensifies


I will roll 10 more times

“im town”

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i accidentally hit enter early but pretend i copy pasted that like 30 times and then put some joycats

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No I’m asking everyone else

if anything that only makes me v-read you more

“uhh a few times” i don’t think is really town AI. it’s at least a reason( and i <3 your reasoning as far as why you said it, but disagree)


Person Wheel Lands
Wiisp 2
Kyo 2
Marshal 1
Italy 3
Alice 2
Sulit 2
Braixen 1
DryBones 2
Appel 1
Katze 1
Apprentice 2

Decision, we must consult the stars

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this is the only readlist that matters



May we have another VC?


can you quote the specific katzepost you’re looking at

Guys can someone answer my question

Your wheel appears to be incredibly faulty and your ability to consult the stars appears to cause a meteor to hit earth @Braixen

What do you have to say to this

What was your question

this is at least a competent tho not amazing reason from arete. I do townread arete for this read because I think it’s like… i don’t think it’s a good read but it’s a townie reason to read someone like htat

sorry if i bungled the explanation but this is what I got

Katze outing my “IC soft”.

Is it town AI?

i did it as town so it must be town AI duh

What’s the purpose behind it? Like, the IC here is macho from the get-go.