[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

ok let me just say this

for the love of fucking god

can you stop softing minister

??? How tf am I not in the ā€œErase from existenceā€ category?

but he told me he wasnt minister surely its not a lie

Trust me thereā€™s more than to what sees the eye

Green checking me is +EV for town

cuz i think sheā€™s a better townie andā€¦ on the same level as wolf

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? What?

You think that I would fucking have you waste a greencheck on me if Iā€™m IC?

i trust what nappyā€™s saying he feels like FPSing townie or just traitor vying for greencheck, but I expect him to have some science reasonsā„¢ for what heā€™s doing rn

Official Unofficial Italy Peek Voting List Thingy Trademark
Person Who they want checked
katze katze or Arete
Arete Arete
Marshal sulit
Napoleon Napoleon
sulit sulit
Braixen Arete
Italy Literally anyone so you get no votes cause im not writing 1 for everything
Wazza DryBones, Apprentice, katze
Derps Wiisp
Alice katze
Votee Total Votes
katze 3
Arete 3
sulit 2
Napoleon 1
DryBones 1
Apprentice 1
Wiisp 1


I totally know what you are

and I just want to say that this plan has a really obvious way to backfire

Good job

You know everything

I would like to vote literally anyone except Nappy for the peek

I donā€™t want arete checked

mission failed

youā€™ll get em next time


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SDA would be good

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give me a name

Id actually try very hard to get townread if Iā€™m Traitor

Oh and btw arete