[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Sorry for all the pain I might have caused you

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Official Unofficial Italy Peek Voting List Thingy Trademark
Person Who they want checked
katze katze or Arete
Arete Arete (and literally anybody but Nappy)
Marshal sulit
Napoleon Napoleon
sulit sulit
Braixen Derps
Italy Literally anyone so you get no votes cause im not writing 1 for everything
Wazza DryBones, Apprentice, katze
Derps Wiisp
Alice katze
Votee Total Votes
katze 3
Arete 2
sulit 2
Derps 1
Napoleon 1
DryBones 1
Apprentice 1
Wiisp 1

Fine check katze

i feel like a host rn

/vote kat for the thingy

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I accept the moment where Derps decides to pursue his metaread and ends up never metareading me again

Official Unofficial Italy Peek Voting List Thingy Trademark
Person Who they want checked
katze katze or Arete
Arete Arete (and literally anybody but Nappy)
Marshal katze
Napoleon katze
sulit sulit
Braixen Derps
Italy Literally anyone so you get no votes cause im not writing 1 for everything
Wazza DryBones, Apprentice, katze
Derps Wiisp
Alice katze
Votee Total Votes
katze 5
Arete 2
sulit 1
Derps 1
DryBones 1
Apprentice 1
Wiisp 1

katze has the big lead now, spooky

i hope i make you all proud

/vote to peek katze

this is also fine

you can peek me any time :eyes:

Official Unofficial Italy Peek Voting List Thingy Trademark
Person Who they want checked
katze katze or Arete
Arete katze(and literally anybody but Nappy)
Marshal katze
Napoleon katze
sulit sulit
Braixen Derps
Italy Literally anyone so you get no votes cause im not writing 1 for everything
Wazza DryBones, Apprentice, katze
Derps Wiisp
Alice katze
Votee Total Votes
katze 6
Arete 1
sulit 1
Derps 1
DryBones 1
Apprentice 1
Wiisp 1

Honestly Katze is probably V

I would like to peak a null

i think this entire site has realized that everything i do is NAI for me

and i also, admittedly, havenā€™t done too much this game

thereā€™s a bit of a reason for that, but iā€™ll spare the details

so if someone whos hard to read isnā€™t doing much, then theyā€™re justā€¦ kinda impossible to get a good grasp on; which is why im very okay with this plan

watch me flip lamb but actually cleanse was activated

I donā€™t see kat actually likeā€¦ being checked and it flipping heretic ngl

i think for my own sake im gonna shift my vote to just arete instead of myself + arete though, because i still actually just donā€™t want to read that slot anymore

italys only good play ever fails miraculously

is this you townreading me orā€¦?

or traitor reading

primarily the first

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with braixen being a blight on this earth out of the picture i donā€™t think arete is that good a check anyways

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iā€™m going to force the traitor out now