[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

no logs in fol26

they didnt play fol25

they didnt die in sfol58

whoever wrote these logs made a grammar error here
but is it likeā€¦ a common one for polish nerds?

part of what irks me is i really feel like vulgard would make a readlist

but those words look like they were written by vulgard



80ish percent confidence

the biggest thing throwing me is the typoes

I donā€™t think there is ā€œtheā€ in polish actually

google translate has nothing for it and when i do ā€œpersonā€ and ā€œthe personā€ itā€™s the same word

if my admittedly-very-limited Duolingo Polish skills are serving me correctly Polish doesnā€™t have articles

but I donā€™t remember seeing Vul ever make that particular mistake?

Polish is a highly fusional language with relatively free word order, although the dominant arrangement is subjectā€“verbā€“object (SVO). There are no articles, and subject pronouns are often dropped.

also heā€™s literally an English major

was boutta say

his english is def better then mine

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you know whatā€™d be cool

if the fucking cop wasnā€™t a miller

cause wazza following vulgard could verify a lot right here

if wazza is real

miller cop

miller cop

minister should have been a miller

ok now back to analysing polish

why is the cop a fucking miller i dont get it

i guess its to give claimspace cause the cop also has a triple check

but its inconvenient right now and i dont like it

ok but like

real shit

who, if not vul, makes that grammar error

arent all of the alive players native english speakers

i mean thereā€™s some brits so they speak the wrong english

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the person whose writing style the logs feel most similar to other than Vul is Alice

but like

probably they were just written by Vul and weā€™re overthinking it

thereā€™s also 3 people in scumchat

if the logs were faked i think an error like that doesnā€™t slip by

i mean

i donā€™t feel like anyone americanā„¢ would make that mistake unless it was intentional