[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

but marshal wasnt the one bussing apprentice

apprentice is the one theoretically bussing marshal here

Marshalā€™s vote was on Apprentice at SoD.


ill give you my 100% accurate soulread on chloe tomorrow (irl) when she posts more content

at the moment i think she has decent convert equity

i donā€™t think sheā€™s starting scum

Apprenticeā€™s ā€œPoEā€ had basically no influence though, didnā€™t it?

for the last time it makes perfect fucking sense for Apprentice to be starting wolf, because him being a Traitor or Marshal being a convert basically explains everything!

apprentice willingly put himself into 2 PoEs while being the scummiest person in both

I need to sleep


i genuinely just donā€™t think it makes sense

he puts himself into the blood mage PoE becuase thereā€™s 3 other blood mage claims {Kyo, Arete, and Marshal/DryBones, and himself} (i forgot who it was at the time) while putting himself in the PoE he created {Katze, Marshal, Braixen, and himself}

he was a wolfy slot prior to all of this

he wasnā€™t going to win any PoEs


he was low-efforting, and you can tell because his explanation basically neglects to mention why he actually wouldā€™ve done that as a villager

I feel like in traitor!Apprentice worlds he doesnā€™t intentionally thunderdome himself with like six people unless heā€™s really confident none of them are wolves

Prime bussing material, Kat. Prime fucking bus material.

im willing to eat my words but i just donā€™t think youā€™re right ever

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i get what youā€™re saying

i understand why youā€™re saying it

i just think youā€™re wrong

It doesnā€™t matter if he knows, though. He know his reads and mechanical PoEs have no influence.

Alternative tinfoil explanation: heā€™s Lamb and he was intentionally trying to bus somebody

there are plenty of possible explanations for why heā€™d do that as a wolf, and I think his play is so divorced from the idea of him being a villager appearing in his own posts that theyā€™re all likely

Really fucking tired right now

But im not scum
Never was scum
I gave my PoE
Marshal flipped scum, and even tho that sucks ass for us, it shows that i was at least right about something

I hate the way that my slot played this game
I have been trying to pull the reigns and bring us back around
But im in a fuckin shitty slot who did nothing snd gave me no reads or anything in classcard
So im on my own

Iā€™ll just solve the game tmrw

instead of arguing back and forth here can you give your opinion on these 4 people ici

oh come on
this is not a magically villagerier slot

Nobody said it is

i mean yes thatā€™s exactly what people have been saying to me