[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

I’m going to have a shower, but when I come back I’m going to be there to fire questions and work through reads with.

P much. It’d have been several times simpler just to sac Katze and use Marshal’s night action on another player. This is effectively an inverse Occam’s razor that Braixen’s pulling

Not you in specific. It’s just that much of the thread kept degenerating into mechanics talk for absolutely no reason.

Voting them in a four hours. We’re pretty much at MyLo so if Sulit is a V and ends up managing to clear themselves then we can still win.


But yeah.

I truly feel like Kyo Converted Alice here.

…why do you think that?

It makes sense from Kyo’s Perspective and feels like something Kyo would do.

The only I trust here is Wazza and Somewhat Suilt.

Wazza is ALWAYS Town here.

Marshal and Kyo never convert Wazza from their POV.

No one EVER converts randomly

…this is yet another appeal to probability.

Like, to convert hunt just search for the players that were villagery d1 and if suddenly their tone shifted or they became extremely agenda-y all of the sudden, which is what happened to Wazza.

They would. Wazza was a strong consensus TR early d2 so Kyo very likely convered him. The switch in his tone late d2 and early d3 are evidence in this case.

People will usually convert townread players so their chances of survival increases.

People would convert you Alice because

1)Your a Strong Player
2)Kyo’s interaction with you is TvW and because your a strong player you can maintain being Townie and not look like a converted so your the perfect convert for Kyo.

alright gamers
it’s time

Seth, your only evidence is that it’d be a good idea to convert Alice, which just proves that, and nothing else. Alice’s posts haven’t changed at all since the Convert.

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Except that I’m a painfully obvious convert choice. Like, two converts happened, do you really think that the wolves would have converted me as a lot of people would be suspected of me.

But eh. I’m going to use Absolution tonight so my slot should self-resolve. RN I’m at…

P sure on my reads on you/Braix/Ici being V here.

Last starting wolf has to be in Sulit or EVO. Most likely Sulit.

The D2 convert is probably Wazza, if not then an gorta. I don’t think Kyo would have converted EVO being that Apprentice’s slot

Traitor and last convert should be in Arete/Katze/gorta/EVO/Sulit/Wazza. Haven’t really bothered to hunt either of them, but frankly we just need to find the 2 Congregation members in Arete/Katze/gorta/EVO/Sulit/Wazza and we should be set.

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clearly alice is a villager and cannot be a wolf

did I just ironically say something I actually believe???

It’s what I’ve been saying. People here have no idea how to convert hunt and rather than see if a previous townread player has had their reads or posts changed they just basically try to guess by basing on shit like “X would convert Y” or “Z is a strong convert.”

Also why do you still think Wazza wasn’t converted? Check his posts D1 and then check his posts D3.