[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)

:balance_scale: Welcome to Scales Of Justice! :balance_scale:

Hosted by BlueStorm
Co-hosted by WazzaAzza


  1. All standard forum rules apply, as usual.
  2. Do not communicate about the game outside the game, and don’t angleshoot.
  3. Please be respectful to your fellow players. Keep your salt in until post-game.
  4. Don’t post in big text or otherwise pretend to be a host of this game.
  5. Have fun.
Yes I did just copy that from Ici’s Kids With Guns, sue me


Days will be 2 IRL days long, or shorter if someone dies
Nights will be 1 IRL day long
Actions are done by submitting them through your class card or Mafia chat
Mafia chat is day/night
Lynches are plurality ONLY

Pregame/Day 0

During the Pregame, the Mafia select one of the following roles to replace a random Goon’s:

  • Mafia Strongman: Submitting the factional kill through this player means that nothing can prevent the target’s death.
  • Mafia Godfather: If investigated by a cop, this player will be revealed as Town-aligned.
  • Mafia Ninja: This player cannot be tracked or watched when submitting the factional kill.

Then, during Day 0, via plurality vote, all players choose which of the following roles replace two random Townies’:

  • Cop: At night, you may learn the alignment of a player you select.
  • Tracker: At night, you may select a player. You will learn the name of the player that person targeted with an ability (if any).
  • Watcher: At night, you may select a player. You will learn the name(s) of the player(s) who targeted that person with an ability (if any).
  • Roleblocker: At night, you may disable all the active abilities of a player of your choice.
  • Doctor: At night, you may choose a player to protect from the Mafia’s night kill. They are guaranteed to live through the night unless a Mafia Strongman submitted the kill on them.

During Night 0, new roles are distributed as necessary and play proceeds as normal.

The game is a Daystart and no actions can be submitted on the first Night (Night 0).


There are none. Deal with it :sunglasses:


Mafia Goon -> Mafia Strongman/Godfather/Ninja
Mafia Goon

Vanilla Townie -> Town Cop/Tracker/Watcher/Roleblocker/Doctor
Vanilla Townie -> Town Cop/Tracker/Watcher/Roleblocker/Doctor
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie


Feedback is limited
Town Cop will receive no feedback if they were roleblocked
Tracker/Watcher will receive no feedback if they were roleblocked OR if their target didn’t visit or have any visitors respectively
Roleblockers and Doctors will receive no feedback
Mafia will not receive feedback if their kill was stopped by a Roleblocker or a Doctor

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want


  1. Marluxion - Alive
  2. DatBird - Alive
  3. Geyde Mercenary - Alive
  4. MaximusPrime - Alive
  5. Icibalus - Alive
  6. michelle - Alive
  7. cloudieamber - Alive
  8. eevee - Alive
  9. Twil1ight - Alive


  1. Firekitten
  2. orangeandblack5 (maybe)


  1. Meteoro
  2. GamerPoke
  3. Pug
  4. Geyde




Cool Idea, but I’d rather co-host still :joy:

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I’ve not really been one for liking playing Vanilla Townie games.

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Fairy 'nuff. Added you as a Co-Host.

(this is competitive btw so no pressure)

What feedback is possible?

Cop/Tracker/Watcher feedback as stated in OP. Cop will receive no feedback if they were roleblocked, Tracker/Watcher will receive no feedback if they were roleblocked OR if their target didn’t visit or have any visitors respectively. Roleblockers and Doctors will receive no feedback.

Does mafia receive roleblock feedback?

No, they would not.

Same, /Spectate




Wouldja be able to do one of them fancy announcy things ya do on Discord?



Would people rather have full feedback, or limited as it is, or some alternative?


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another bump, for anyone that cares




fuck it



sad bump