[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)

And if you DONT lynch to resolve that thunderdome immediately, the watcher dies and the fake cop claim thunderdome persists

It’s a really rough spot

I mean I did adress it, I’m not blind.

As well as I’m not blind that you want to torpedo every my idea so far.

It’s 7 vs 2, in case of kill 6 vs 2.
So 6 vs 1 or 4 vs 1 depending on who wins the thunderome, both being townsided.

Hell, we could even leave the thunderome for solve later, cause it gives a lot more checks for cop and scum can’t kill him cause that would out the other one.

Oh, that’s why you are wrong all the time. You didn’t know how follow the cop works.

Town NO LYNCHES till a guilty is found.

I don’t want to torpedo your ideas, I just want any class besides Watcher and Tracker as I think the mafia picked ninja

If town wins the thunderdome it’s townsided. If town loses the thunderdome it is absolutely not townsided.

I already explained that this ends in catastrophe every time

Without this this strategy is inefficient and won’t work.

that’s a boring strategy
Doctor + cop is more traditional and less cheesy, plus it removes our cop getting guilty checked if scum have a ninja

You also didn’t address this possibility when proposing that strategy.

If scum has a ninja
The cop is the sole target visiting the dead player

AKA a watcher guilty check

… i did adress it, lol.

Marl, go back to the reading school.

If cop is always visiting one person and that person dies and only one person visited, watcher knows it’s cop visit and that scum have ninja.

There is no other way.

That still gets us nowhere pretty much
It gives us a cop with a watcher on him, but that doesn’t help when they have a ninja. It makes the watcher useless

Ninja counters this strategy entirely
that’s why i want a doctor
there’s no town kp meaning doctor can’t ever misfire and heal scum successfully
doctor is also pseudo invest as they can confirm a town with a save

there is no way to cheese this besides scum rng, even if they have a strongman

if cop only outs when they have a guilty, 50% of the time it’s the strongman
meaning 50% of the time we can have a doctor on a cop

No, it gets us way further.

Watcher knows a doctor.
Even if we go with hypoclaiming later on, watcher will be able to know real results.

If scum claims a cop later on to be saved from a lynch, watcher will be able to break the thunderome.

And most of all - if we go with hypoclaimings - watcher, of all people will be able to make acurate hypos and should try to be killed at night via them. (Using real checks, knowing a conf town and mixing some dead people and strongest reads into the hypos).

It doesn’t even have to protect cop directly.
Indirect utility is literaly much grater then doc.

It becomes cop8 with a VT knowing the cop
I’d argue that’s scumsided still

it’s less scumsided than cop8 but it’s still scumsided

Except it’s 9, not 8.

Wich is townsided.

You are saying that Ninja counters my strategy - the point is that mine has a way to be useful even if there is Ninja.

Yours is countered by strongman. Enteirly.

No, someone would have to die to start this scenario. It’d be cop8.