[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)



Just realised I can handle 48/24 and I’ll probably be SPK’d or lynched before VC starts.


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@BlueStorm remove Cop and Godfather from the setup and it’s perfect btw

Also villager roleblocker is slightly dumb but hey-oh

I mean it’s all dependent on what you as either town or mafia pick.

Level 1 Noob: Doesn’t join

Level 99 Boss: Joins



If this doesn’t fill, I’d at least like to queue up hosting a Grand Ideas game


@BlueStorm I’ve cleaned up the thread. Do you still want to can this or do you want to give it a chance to fill? I can almost guarantee we’ll find at least 5 people in the next 9 days

i’m so sorry
that is all

/out (and probably dissapearing for a few days)

/sign up cohost if you need one

Might host a setup of my own at some point in the future, so I could use some practice.

why not just join?

also he has a cohost

An extra one can’t hurt. :cry:

I’m trying to limit my FM time, so I’m only joining games with “new” content that I haven’t experienced before. This is too close to vanilla for me atm.

And how about VCFM?

Oh wait, you signed up, nvm.

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A’ight, reopened. Let’s hope this can actually get people now.

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orange justice


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lol so much for that one my dude

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