[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)

we can reduce that to 4 even by doing this

@DatBird @Geyde @Icibalus @Twil1ight @MaximusPrime If you’re the cop or watcher, claim.

Just claim that you are cop or watcher, not which.

They are not.

ah, rip

unlucky eh eevee?

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um… yeah. /vote no lynch

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if we had gone with the plan it wouldn’t have worked anyway, feels bad

Accused Voter Votes
No Lynch michelle, cloudie 2
Icibalus Marl 1

It actualy would.

/vote Icibalus

sorry again

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you’re fine, you made this an easy win :^)

Hello there I guess

also it’s a mistake a bunch of new players make

@cloudieamber Make sure to watch eevee tonight.
@eevee you know who to check amongst

scum would have understood eevee’s soft anyway so there’s no reason not to make it apparent

@cloudieamber you ARE the watcher, correct?

I don’t see a way for us to lose here, do you eevee?

@Geyde @DatBird @MaximusPrime
Get in here and tell us what you think of Marl’s strategy, because I personally like it a lot.

We basically only lose if Marl and Eevee are the wolves, and that’s hardly likely.

You play ToL yeah?