[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)

Doctor can’t

Roleblocker is INVESTIGATIVE


Stop comparing different categories.
Not to mention both can be blocked by same thing - strongman.

They can be both

But they are risky

Okay, how can roleblocker protect an outed cop?

That’s the point.
He can stop a kill but is not protective for a need of follow the invest startegy.

Yes but my heart is telling me scum went ninja in preparation for this

Let’s be realistic.

Cop is strongest cause even with GF they can still find one scum.
Tracker and Roleblocker can find ONLY one scum, one wich is performing kill.
Roleblocker can also stop the kill if they find someone, but is susceptible to skipping a kill as a form of global frame.

From mafia side tho:
Godfather is useless, cause it protects one member and can’t really break follow the invest. Leading to possibly one scum being found and no direct way to kill a confirmed town invest.

Wich leaves us to dilema between Ninja and Strongman.

And Doctor is way more dangerous for scum then Watcher when it comes to follow the invest.
It’s also first thing wich comes to EVERYONE mind when it’s about follow the invest strategy.

Add to that that roleblocker is also stronger then tracker (Both can find killing mafia, but roleblocker can also stop the kill) and we got easy comparision of role strenght:

Strongman > Ninja > Godfather

Yes but ninja has the wifom behind it

How is Roleblocker higher than Tracker?

Roleblocker can backfire, Tracker not. In 9p setup stoping a factional kill is not even that strong i skip the fact random possibility Mafia may have Strongman.

Worst case scenario with one Townie saved, there would be 4vs2 MyLo, people that may be cleared to that time depends which PR we’re going to choose and if he manage to survive long enough.

How can it backfire?

Roleblocking other invest?
I threat him as the one who is the invest.
At worst he can roleblock protective, wich has a lot of wifom about it for mafia to bet on roleblock on protective to kill them.

Roleblocker can actually mess up really bad especially if action would be successful like Cop targeting Mafia. That’s just unnessesary potential obstacle.

Okay but what makes him better than Tracker? Personally, i don’t believe blocking a kill is that important in 9p Setup.

Cop and roleblocker are never together.

Follow the invest needs protective AND invest.
And roleblocker is invest.

I mean it’s more or less finding a killer + blocking a kill
only finding a killer.

Blocking a kill can be useful still if protectives dies, cause roleblocker can self-defend through roleblock in late game.


/vote Roleblocker

How said Town is obligated to use this strat to win?

It only matters if we’re using “Follow Cop” strat which again isn’t the only thing we can do.

Cause follow the invest is potentialy gamebreaking and reason why many setups were removed from many siies?

If we setup it correctly - it’s nearly sure win.

There is a lot of “pontentially” gamebreaking strats. Choosing correct combination is pure RNG. And before somebody will say: “But picking Strongman is optimal play.” Yes but it doesn’t mean we should ignore evety other possibility despire the fact we don’t know what Mafia picked.

I mean, I doubt mafia went ninja, purely cause cop + doc is unbreakable for them and they would have no way of stopping it, while it’s strongest of all combinations.

if we choose cop can we actually do decent cop cover this time