[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)


What do you think makes Watcher a good choice?

Why would Mafia choose strongman over ninja?

eh… i guess you can basically catch a killer if it’s early game… but not if they choose ninja as they will always perform the factional kill

if they think we’d choose doc, duh

I’d expect you to sheep opinion more if you were scum.

But you made your own point

The fuck did you expect me to do

It was a test

I’m calling scum’s bluff. They wouldn’t pick Strongman, they’d go for the edgy Ninja pick.

@michelle @cloudieamber do you two agree or disagree with me? :thinking:

also @Icibalus where’s your hot take

inb4 ici is wallowing in despair for rolling scum

/vote 2 watcher

you can’t vote twice for the same role

beep boop

I think you know that scum have a Ninja, you planned the whole “Strongman is the best role” argument beforehand.

@cloudieamber @Icibalus @michelle

Just a reminder, this game exist. :tea:

My vote 1 is on cop tho.

oh i thought you were trying to place two votes on watcher

not placing your second vote on watcher


Ninja is not even relevant anymore.

Read my last longer post. It has a way for cop being protected without outing the cop.

This strategy has one major flaw, and i’m sure you’re aware of it, Eevee.

The wolf also kills the target of the watcher. This puts one scum in a thunderdome with our cop. Assuming an experienced wolf is in play, they will power claim to make the real cop look fake.

The watcher also has to out the guilty check in order to start this thunderdome in the first place.

Therefore, it doesn’t become a 1 for 1. It becomes us losing BOTH of our power roles n2 for one single scum. This puts us in 1v5 mountainous situation. I’d argue 1v5 mountainous isn’t even that big of a stretch for scum to win.

Why didn’t you address this situation when you proposed your strategy? I’m 100% positive you were aware of the possibility.

If you toss in a mislynch d0 (if we have a lynch, assuming it doesn’t start in night phase)
That becomes 1v4. Aka one lynch away from LyLo.