[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)

@Icibalus where you at
I see you being active elsewhere

If you are in danger of being replaced, the host will remind you by pinging you for activity.

I don’t get notifications, even when forums are open.

That ain’t stopping me from bugging him

Should be the circles in the top right

Under the thread you can change how you track it

“hey the roleplay on the tol forums started”
“oh it did?”

well sorry for breaking the rules


That button there near the bottom

The issue is that you directly asked one of your friends if it was a good idea to agree with Marl or not on game matters and we CANNOT prove you didn’t, say, pass your mafia members’ identity to each other.

Also, it’s not a roleplay but that’s besides the point.

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You aren’t being punished or anything he was just letting you know not to do it in case you weren’t aware

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Ici that isn’t the issue at all

there’s nothing stopping literally anyone else from asking eachother.

also, i know but i don’t have a wide vocabulary, i don’t know how else to describe it.

I’m on watching. Thats the thing.

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Most people just call it mafia

yes i know, but i can’t seem to see what i did wrong. the warning was for something someone assumed i did, with no real evidence.

okay, i’ll keep that in mind

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You literally said you did it but that’s besides the point

Def weird if you aren’t getting notifications in the top right then

Lemme try some moderator mumbo jumbo to see if I can fix it

You aren’t the host

Start answering my game related questions or perish

but did you check the original question.
it asked for both our opinions.