[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)

" Seeking Replacement " who are we waiting to replace?

Some hosts will tell you. I prefer to keep it silent until the person’s slot has been subbed in.


@DatBird @eevee @MaximusPrime @Icibalus @michelle @cloudieamber @eevee @Twil1ight

If you are the watcher or the cop, don’t say anything. Tonight both of you will check Eevee.

The watcher will see the cop visit.
From that point forward, the watcher will ONLY watch the cop. It’s vital that they don’t out themselves or the cop unless they’ve caught a mafia.

Cop, don’t out yourself unless you have a red check. If you get a red check it’s basically gg for town, can’t lose.

How do I use abilities?

Privately in your rolecard during the night phase

you just send /check (PlayerName) if you’re the cop
or /Watch (PlayerName) If you’re the watcher.

hey, um, we’re supposed to get new role cards, right?

oh i can reply to my role card okaye

… Amusing.

When does night begin?

nope, not unless you got lucky and got a Power role

everyone else stays the same :sweat_smile:

Amusing even more…

In 48 hours or once we reach majority.

/No Lynch.

oh!! thanks!!

1 Like

or rather

/Vote No Lynch

so essentially once 5 people vote to /no lynch the day will end

Accused Voter Votes
No Lynch Marl, eevee, michelle 3

Reminder that voting is plurality only.

@Marluxion I start to regret not going doc/cop without weird strategies. Obvious reasons.

/vote no lynch

/vote no lynch

@BlueStorm are you really gonna make us wait 48 hours if we hit majority for no lynch

you live by the sword, you die by the sword etc etc