[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)

There are individual class types. Even if you claim and its true, there are watchers and guards.


(I lack context in this department)


You can widen your claim. There are people who will protect you.

Uhhhh,why would Watcher want look over a person who isn’t a Cop?

You can still claim. If anyone targets you for your claim, watcher can see who.

You can also be protected by guard roles. But cant claim as mafia, can you…

I’m pretty sure we have our two claims unless someone says otherwise we know who our cop and watcher are and everyone else is most likely claiming townie

Why would Vanilla Townie wanted to be protected rather than a Cop? :roll_eyes:

Okay., but watcher can still see you. They can literally see WHO visited you.


I think you raise a point, though. It’s way too early. My apologies.

/unvote Twilight

I know that part. I’m not sure how is not watching over a Cop more beneficial than some random who can be potentially Mafia but okay.

Can i actually see a reason why you think Marl is Town besides the fact he said so?

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Perhaps its strange. He did help us a bit but… maybe too much?

Hmmm, there is 2 Mafia in the game. Did you suspect somebody besides me?

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In this game, everyone has to help everyone — even the mafia debate on who is suspicious, who to lynch and what the town could do to help itself. The catch is that the mafia usually avoids incriminating other members of the mafia (but they may do so, and when one member of the mafia accuse the other it is called “distancing”)

Btw, Twi, I like what you’re doing on integrating. Keep it.

@Twil1ight yeah. I do, @michelle.

Michelle? Why is that?

You know when someone is really silent, and when they do talk, they’re kinda awkward about it, and cut things short, and you think they’re kinda sus…? I’m getting those vibes.

grab popcorn
couple wars time