[FM] Scales Of Justice (Rerolling in a new thread)

We know :^)

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tf happened

game got breached apparently

Like even the way scum gib IRL excuses is different from how a townie would

Town go something like “Im gonna be at uni so ping me if important stuff happens, no time read thread.”

Scum go “Guys I had uni pls stop, pushers are scum!!1!1!”

1273 down the Rockefeller street


Guess I’ll ask for pings next time.

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Max complained and talked about the game in a DRRP server

oh hey

confirm me? i guess

See @Marluxion

I predicted what scum would chose and picked best counter.
Sorry, not sorry, but eevee 1 - 0 Marl :^)

yeah that’s my bad, soz

although i could’ve been lying about that :confused:

I was mafia.
If I didn’t get replaced, you would know I was mafia.

@Mercenary add me to the mafia chat please. Thanks.

@BlueStorm ^ , thanks.
