FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)


Don’t ignore me. :eyes:

Is it itchy balls here? Hi @Icibalus!

I’m in my first forum game!

He’d be so proud :^)

other than fluff posting, who do you think are mafia CBMan?

Oh, I forgot about this.
I don’t like the way you ponctuate it. You are forcing a black and white scenario when people have multiple reasons to vote apart from being absolutely certain someone is maf.

I didn’t even read properly the you x Geyde discussion and just read the latest post, which was the readlist.
I wouldn’t be dumb enough to say “guys MAFIA DOES THIS” while doing the exact same thing.

We all are, my son

i hate you so much

how dare you
ruin my great gambit

/vote Solic for having no motive to ruin the reaction test while also BWing


Beep Wolfing?

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I’m without bars so
it was B/W
the black-white thingy

pocketing tone hmm.

healthy skepticism

badddd meme juxtaposed with his earlier comment on Isaac.

Don’t see scum posting this.

Sticks to his guns. Wouldn’t expect this from newbie scum tbh.

blabla very long push for the Marl+Blue thing, not going to quote literally all posts.

I think this is a very genuine natural way for cb to gather information.

Cough cough, you’re to blame for this as well

I’m townleaning.

ma’am can you please stop trying to accuse newbies
it’s rude.

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wait I just read the end nvmd

Why have you devolved to using horrendous reaction tests. You miss Htm this much? :thinking:

It just clogs up the thread.

how is that a pocketing tone
that’s just him passively threatening to explode isaac

I didn’t see it in context of him holding his detonator.

also nice avatar reaperman

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