FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)

What exactly is Maximus doing that is suspicious?


Which is suspicious

max only posted 3 non-fluff so t’s hard to say tbh

Not really for Max though. :roll_eyes:

Yes really for Max though.

It’s a documented fact that Max doesn’t try at all as scum.

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I don’t even remember a game where Max had a positive townie influence on the game as town though.

Show me a game where Max tried as town.


Okay, I’m gonna say this right now. I have not played with any of you before, so using “BUT HE DID THIS 5 GAMES AGO” doesn’t hold up with me. Keep this in mind.

plenty of games

Fair enough. I wish we would get assocations out of him though, but that’s wishful thinking.

He knows he is suspicious so he is trying to blend in

@Geyde pop that boy

We do


also hey solic boy
if I’m mafia
what you are sure of
who would be my other 2 scumbuddies

If Mercenary is mafia

that means either only 1 mafia chose a mafia detonator
and it’s exactly bluestorm

or no mafia chose a mafia detonator

no i dont think this scenario is likely but it’s worth mentioning so people dont forget in final 3

Nah, you knew Blue had a maf det.

so you are once again pushing the idea of a blue and me scumteam

if you’re town you’re just being dense

You can know baz was Mafia without Blue knowing. Blue pressed the button on your command. I dont think Blue is maf.

2 mafia can also choose to have mafia detonators

Explain why this can’t be the case cause you seem to have glossed over it