FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)

This is still a defensive statement. Not what I’m looking for to get yourself off the hook. :eyes: 2 hours and 34 minutes left. And it’s not like you gave away the associations necessary to determine a whole team. I’d probably say Geyde was town if you are scum however.

You aren’t even really defending anymore, just trying to discredit me.

Blue can’t detonate him anyways and there is no way you’re swapping the lynch on Marl today. Find his scummates, if you’re so convinced.

It surprises me a little that @Solic isn’t trying to Math out some possibilities here


Then if I was town
who would be your scumreads

Mechanical reads are bad reads usually. :wink: I think it detracts from the thread to hypothesize whether x person is more or less likely to get a mafia detonator. Especially if there exists a randomization option.

Solic isn’t mafia busing Merc rn

Literally no way that is possible

If merc is mafia solic is town
mafia can’t bus someone after losing bazinga that early

This is not how it works. I hold your detonator, not the other way around. I want your reads.

Not really what I meant

You can still combine mechanics with Math for a greater chance of winning

For example we know that there are only 3 maf detonators in play atm and 10 town ones, so we can work out through the circle what is and isn’t possible

Tell me what useful thing you have worked out and then I might concede the point.

This sounds interesting.

I can’t, because I’m not a big brainy math boi like you

But I swear I’ve seen a riddle like this before

The only thing that is true is that if we have 3 consecutive mafia on the circle that the end and start of that chain are confirmed town. This is not something that is at play now.

This is social deduction, not a logic puzzle though. :wink:

The ToL community would like a word with you :^)

There’s no reason why you can’t combine the two

Use your reads to figure out the logic, NOT the other way around

Well this is all I can come up with, which wouldn’t be useful for you if you know you are town.

also you never answerd my question
are you okay with a maximus detonation