[FM] Short Fuse IV - Game Over - Town wins

Yeah, you didn’t have to give me the one where you had two spammy posts. :smiley:

Were you converted or starting Cult in HoB?

What does ATP mean?

Starting Cult I think.

I think I started Cult with Maxwell.

At this point. The silence was awkward considering he usually chats a lot and tries to townlead.

His reads as scum are pretty artificial from seeing his play in SFoL51, so I’ll be on a look out for that.

No, you were starting Cult with me. Maxwell was the N1 convert.

Ah yeah, that’s what it was, sorry.

Can I detonate Marshal now btw?

I would highly not reccomend

Ohhh asking if I can detonate him brought him back. Cool.

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the reply notification brought me back

You’re welcome.

Give me 5 good reasons why I shouldn’t detonate you. Failure to do so will equal immediate explosion.

Don’t like that there wasn’t much follow-up on this question, though. Arete/Derp has a potential of being an SvS here from how lightly Arete was pushing him without coming to any conclusions.

This post also feels way too over-explaining as well since nobody’s detonating this early.


I’m having a stupid-ass tinfoil that the scumteam is Derp/Arete/Dat rn and they decided to pick 2 Maf/1 Town detonator. Not liking how they’ve been hedging on each others’ ISOs.

I feel SvS would be done by them having a detonator of one of the other and then it plays out like that.

Perhaps ask Arete to detonate SirDerps and see where that gets us, that’s if you are very keen on it being SvS (That’s how I caught Alice and Ici on the first game I believe it was)

1 - It is too early. Give it some time. an implusle det like this will put town in a shit postition

2 - I can, when focused, provide valuable ISO and Scumreading skiills

3 - ignoring all else, you are 8/3 likely to hit town than scum. You better be fucking sure that i’m scum beforeyou do this.

4 - You will look very bad + suspicios when I flip town

5 - Although I am just being argumentative, I provide a pretty contrasting veiwpoint to anyone else and I might be the best thing preventing a death tunnel or two.

I never played scum on a Short Fuse, that was probs Marg/Ici.

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If you arent convinced, hit that button for quick, immediate regret

Invalid Point.

All I’ve seen are meme posts from you all game, ain’t looking so good for you.

I AM VERY sure right now based on these posts of yours.

That’s in your opinion, but that would only happen if the explosion was completely in the random.

You just used the same point as the 2nd, and I say the 2nd point is invalid to use as a reason.

All these points are invalid, try again.

If everyone else thinks it’s best for me to detonate him I’m perfectly willing to do it, I just think it’s best to be cautious right now.

you know what? No.

Those are good points.

Take a breather, realize what i provide, realize what you risk Vs what you reward.