[FM] Short Fuse IV - Game Over - Town wins


Is it just the ā€˜whyā€™ that flagged you? Or something else? Can you walk me through your reasoning here?

Thatā€™s the only reasoning. The fact that previous people havenā€™t mentioned it as well signals to me that theyā€™re town that sees it as not significant enough to mention whereas scum may try to push it.

jake is lock town

Iā€™m for blowing stuff up tbh

Thereā€™s no night actions to lean on so our source of info will be flips

We can just sit around waiting for the lynch to roll around but thatā€™s boring

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He is in his town meta



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You have no examples to point to of his scum meta

If someone had said, as I think a few did, that I was town in SFoL 51 because I was in my loud wallposting meta, theyā€™d have been wrong.

If jake is town here derp is scum trying to pocket.

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Nah, jake wouldnā€™t be like this if he was scum

again, why


I donā€™t wanna get yelled at so I can not speak of that


So I want to be sure Iā€™m understanding this right, youā€™re saying that you said something scummy and then waited to see if anyone jumped on it, with the theory being that scum would jump on it with the goal of getting you mislynched while town wouldnā€™t?

Close. I said something that would appear NAI to Town and an opportunity to scum.

Iā€™m sort of a weird position. You only have town games to go off of, but you also canā€™t say for sure what my scum game is like based on the negative of my town games, as some traits might be mutual no matter what I am.

Explain why I am Lock Town.

already said no

You donā€™t want to explain why I am Town?