[FM] Shortnight Signups (6/6)


hosted by @katze and @katze, cohost @Chloe, who is also just katze

Reviewed by @Geyde who is just @katze from the past


Follow the Global Forum/Discord/Game/Meta Rules - Please Read First , and the Official Forum Mafia and Forum of Lies Rules . Please make sure you have enough time for this game before you sign up.

A minimum of 20 game-relevant posts must be posted every day. Failure to meet the requirement will result in a forced replacement. However, hosts reserve the right to replace without a warning should we believe that a potential extended period of lowposting will result in a significant drop of game quality.


The six players will be arranged into two groups, Group A and Group B. Both groups will have two members of the Town, and one member of the Mafia. The groups will be announced at the start of the game.

On Day 1, both groups must vote out a player in their group.

  • If both groups vote out their Mafia member, Town wins.
  • If one group votes out a member of the Mafia, while the other group votes out a member of the Town, The game will go into Night. The voted out Mafia will be given 24 hours to vengefully kill one player in their group, and the game will continue to D2. The two Mafia can talk freely during these 24 hours.
  • If both groups vote out a member of the Town, the two voted out members will be given 24 hours to unanimously decide on somebody to shoot. This will be done in a private chat, during the Night phase.
    • If they shoot a third member of the Town, Mafia wins.
    • If they shoot a member of the Mafia, then the game will continue to D2.
    • If the two players cannot unanimously decide on a target, the Mafia will be given both players’ choices. They will be given an additional hour (this will extend Night phase) to choose a player to kill from those choices.

If Day 2 occurs, it will play out like a regular 3 player LyLo situation. Votes will be locked on Day 2, but not prior.

Days will be 24 hours long. If, pregame, a majority of the players wish to extend it to 48, it will be extended.



You are a member of the Town! You are in [Group A/Group B].

Eliminate both members of the Mafia, while at least one member of the Town is still alive.


You are a member of the Mafia! You are in [Group A/Group B].

Reach equal numbers with the Town.


Town (Group A)
Town (Group A)
Town (Group B)
Town (Group B)

Mafia (Group A)
Mafia (Group B)


  1. DatBird
  2. Arete
  3. Surge
  4. GGhana
  5. an_gorta_pratai
  6. SirDerpsAlot


  1. clonedcheese
  2. PokemonKidRyan
  3. Mistyx


  1. KyoDaz (uninformed)
  2. Marshal (uninformed)
  3. astand (informed)
  4. Conduit (uninformed)
  5. min (informed)
  6. TheBlueElixir (uninformed)
  7. Appelsiini (uninformed)
  8. Trochilidae (uninformed)
  9. thepigeonnyc (uninformed)
  10. sulit (uninformed butter)


No alts, alts are cringe

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/default dances in

also since its a 6p game i might WoTM signups

probably won’t

except datbird you’re denied


/informed spectator

me irl:

/uninformed spectator

if this game cant fill im gonna cry

/uninformed spectator


ur a cohost shut up loser

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How long would it take for this to fill?

its 6 players surely this cant take long

20 mins

it will probably fill fast because it’s a 6 player game

Appel you should in
This’ll be a high-skill table

Im just hype to uninformed spectatorino

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after last game i need to spec