[FM] Shortnight Signups (6/6)

turn that no upside-down


credit to BBmolla for this setup because im scared of being bullied

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confused tree noises

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/informed spec

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Since this setup is only 6 players, if more than 6 players attempt to sign up in like, the next 24 hours, I may do some wisdom of the modding to give people a fair chance of playing since time zones exist and such :heart:



Not today, I’m afraid^^ But have fun ppl

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Hmm… If Tro and I in, since you don’t believe in our soulreads, it would totally be fine to put us in the same group, no? :wink:


if you both inned i would not rig the rolls

god no i dont wanna fuck up again
ily light but i just cant

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headpat I’m just brilliant at deceiving people


I understand headpat

Also fuck I picked up headpatting after alting as Strawberry

strawberry tastiest alt


This looks like a really interesting set up.
2x 2 v 1s

This is quick right


I have a week i should be fine

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if people vote for 48/24 then the game should only take ~6 days at the longest

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/vote for that