[FM] Shortnight Signups (6/6)

i spent a long time on this masterpiece


make me zoey or no balls

bout to turn you into a backup :joy_cat:

Couldnā€™t you also Hydra a player instead of getting rid of them?


that sounds fun tho ngl

thank you katze

im willing to hydra if thatā€™s what comes down to

Iā€™m willing to Hydra with Arete if thatā€™s what it comes down to


would you hydra with surge

quick question
isnt shortnight a turbo format


but its hilarious so i wanted to run it multiple months ago (probably as a joke) and then i never took it off queue so here we are

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/in i guess?

idk lol what


in general I prefer to hydra with players with a similar playstyle to me (thatā€™s not an insult to anyone, just, I function better as a hydra when Iā€™m hydraing with someone who thinks in the same ways I do)

You saying we donā€™t think alike?

Only one way to find out and thatā€™s to Hydra.

iā€™d offer to hydra with arete but i think the problem still exists

why do i want to see a surgrete hydra now

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@katze hydra with me?

hydras are probably a no despite it being funny

3 of you nerds are getting voted off the island though