[FM] Throne of Riots - Council of Idiots Win! (Barely)

Lore Introduction

All is well in the Council of Idiots Discord Server. Its members discuss the latest dank memes and show images that should not be seen to the common eye. From a cat that controls the element of fire to a magical dog who sets his heart on a Victorian-styled gambler, this group is not like any other. They like to lighten up each others lives through controversial methods.

A voice of great power echoes throughout the chat. “It is time, fellow idiots! Time to show that we are the ones in charge! Who’s with me?”

Everyone cheered as a new topic on https://forum.imperium42.com/ titled “This is Totally Not a Riot” appeared in the Off-Topic section. Seconds after the thread was posted, hundreds of posts containing meaningless content formed. Pings fly from the United States to Russia and links to overly disliked Youtube videos played at maximum volume. Half of the forum can’t fall asleep because of all the notifications that keep on popping up since midnight.

As chaos unfolds in the thread, two well-established figures in blue suits glare with disgust. One of them has a mature face and structure with brown sticks of hair on the top of his hair. The other is more similar to a young anime school girl.

“Why must we suffer like this?!” cried the taller figure. “Every time we close one of their threads down, another one pops up in the span of minutes!”

The shorter individual faced the other. “What if we destroy them from the inside? They had gotten along so quickly, but we can tear them apart just as easily. We can even have some of them join our quest for justice.”

The girl’s accomplice developed a surprised look on his face. “That’s an excellent idea, but how can we get inside the thread without anyone noticing us?”

The leader grabs a plastic bag and pulls out two stylish mustaches. She hands one of them to her companion. “With these clever disguises, of course. Those dumbasses aren’t smart enough to see past them.”

The two figures walk towards the thread confident that their mission will be complete. If not… they might as well be dead.

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Throne of Riots! You may think this is a SFoL, you’re wrong. According to the Mama herself, the “townie classes” are too different, so it’s a FM! I needed a co-host because I never hosted a game like this before, so @Pug will assist me. He helped create a class inspired by himself and offered suggestions throughout the creating process such as the Toxic Classes. This is heavily inspired by a battle of thread postings and their closings. If you didn’t experience that, then I hope this game is similar to it (This concept of a COI based FoL was originally from Firekitten but I accidentally stole it… sorry dude)


  1. No Gamethrowing.
  2. If you have not posted anything related to the game within 36 hours, you will be prodded for inactivity. If you don’t respond to the prod within 16 hours, your spot will be replaced.
  3. Do not spam or post several times in a row, give everyone else a chance to speak.
  4. Do not use big letters or use our mod colors. Mine is this and Pug’s is this.
  5. Do not post a screenshot from your class card or Moderator/Toxic/Uncle Doggo Night chat.
  6. Do not interact with posts with the living if you are dead. That includes commenting, liking a post, etc.
  7. Actions such as accusing or voting should involve the indicated action along with bold text.


  • Days will last for 72 hours or less if an execution takes place and nights will last for 24 hours
  • All actions/no actions must be sent through your class card
  • Moderators/Toxic members will be given a separate PM to chat during the night
  • The Uncle Doggo and dead players will be given a separate PM to chat during the night
  • All classes except for the Neutral King and Vanilla will be used for the roll which are in the class card list below


  • To accuse someone, type /accuse [player] or /vote [player]
  • The use of /execute or /pardon before a trial begins is ignored
  • If the number of votes reaches majority, the player being accused will go on trial and be able to make a defense within 12 hours
  • If the accused makes a defense within 12 hours or does not respond after 12 hours, the rest of the players will vote to /execute or /pardon
  • Nobody can use day abilities during a trial except for the Thread Host’s Account Declaration
  • If the day ends and the trial is still occurring, then the action with the most votes happens, if it’s a tie, the accused lives

Picking a New Thread Host

  • If there are less than 4 players, a new Thread Host will not be selected
  • After a Thread Host’s execution, the day will not end and an election will occur
  • Players with the Meme Lord Status have 12 hours to nominate themselves for the election
  • If no players with the Meme Lord Status step up after 12 hours, then anyone can nominate themselves to be the next Thread Host
  • If only one person nominated themselves, they will become the next Thread Host
  • If two or more people nominated themselves to be the next Thread Host, then an election will be held
  • Whoever has the most votes gets to be the next Thread Host (If it’s a tie, the player that nominated themselves first gets to be the Thread Host)

Night Results

Night results will be given to you through your class card. The day starts when everyone has their night result received.


Journal entries must be given through your class card in order for them to be valid. The last update to your journal will be shown to the public when you die.

Death Notes

Death Notes must be submitted through your class card in order for them to be shown.

How to Join

If you want to join the game before it starts, just type /join, /sign up, /in, or something similar, then you will be on the player list. If you sign up and the max amount of players are already signed up, you will be placed as a backup.

Class Cards

Council of Idiots Class Cards

:shield: - Unique :crossed_swords: - Guaranteed

The Blob Burger :shield: :crossed_swords:

Council of Idiots Investigative
Forever Stupid (Day) - Make someone immune to conversion tonight. - Infinite uses
Scum Read (Night) - Read a player to find out if they are a Moderator. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Conversion Immune

The Boss

Council of Idiots Social
On the Job (Night) - Find out the results of the players that visited your target (Attacks and conversions will not show). - Infinite uses
Reporting for Duty (Night) - Send one 1000 character anonymous message to your target. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Crabby or The Hacker
Toxic Points: 2

The Cock Blocker :shield: :crossed_swords:

Council of Idiots Investigative
Instant Report (Day) - If the Alt Account Creator attempts to convert you or your target, you will attack them. - 2 uses
Salt Detection (Night) - Learn if a player is Toxic. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Conversion Immune

The Discord Bot :shield: :crossed_swords:

Council of Idiots Killer
Programmed (Passive) - You are not an organic lifeform, so you are immune to occupation that cannot be bypassed and immune to target changing.
Meme Lord Status (Passive) - You will be able to nominate yourself as the next Thread Host before anyone else.
Analysis (Day) - Jail someone at night making them occupied (Bypasses occupy immunity) and prevent everyone from visiting them. You and the player can send one 1000 character message to each other through the host throughout the night. - Infinite uses
Terminate (Night) - Kill the player you imprisoned (Bypasses night immunity). If the player is a member of the Council of Idiots, you will not be able to terminate for the rest of the game. - 3 uses (Available starting Night 2)
Your goal is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Conversion immune

The Furry Flame

Council of Idiots Killer
Burning Passion (Night) - Your passion will aid in you guarding a player tonight, if someone attacks that player, you will use up all your energy to kill the attacker(s) and die. - Infinite uses
Yolo (Night) - Attack a player tonight. If they are a member of the Council of Idiots, then you will kill yourself instead. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Spammer or The Gamethrower
Toxic Points:2 - Each ability costs 1
Toxic Alt:
(Yolo) Violent Anger (Night) - You will attack someone without the aid of the Alt Account Creator. You will take your own life as well if your attack is successful (The Alt Account Creator cannot target you for Toxic Screech when you use this). - Infinite uses

The Grass Owl

Council of Idiots Social
Distant Scream (Day) - Shout a single 1000 character anonymous message through the host to the forum. - 2 uses
Mental Invasion (Night) - You and your target can send each other two 1000 character messages through the host throughout the night. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Jokester Bird or The Hacker
Toxic Points: 2 - Each ability costs 1
Toxic Alt:
(Mental Invasion) Breaking Point- The Alt Account Creator can use Creation tonight despite it being on cooldown. - 1 use, can only use when Creation is on cooldown.

The Hippo

Council of Idiots Investigative
Angleshoot (Day) - Check if a player has Meme Lord Status. - 2 uses
:wink: (Night) - Text your target a message as a player of your choice. If they reply with :D, then they are friends. If they reply with >:(, then they are not friends. - Infinite uses
Friend Status:
-Members of opposing factions are not friends
-Neutrals are friends if they can win with each other.
-Players with Meme Lord Status hate each other cause they’re always in competition
-Nobody likes the Thread Host or the Frost Wolf
-The Dawn of N1ght is always a friend to their contract no matter the faction
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Emote User or The Racist
Toxic Points: 2

The Idiot Thread Host :shield: :crossed_swords:

Council of Idiots Special
Continue the Meme (Passive) - If you die, there will be an election to pick the next Thread Host. If you get executed by the Forum, then everyone that has the Meme Lord Status loses it permanently for memeing too hard.
Sheep Director (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Off with a Warning (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Account Declaration (Day) - You can choose if the player on trial gets pardoned or executed. - 1 use
Riot Shield (Night) - Send a Riot Shield to a player making them immune to death tonight. - 4 uses
Execute Order 66 (Night) - Kill the player of your choice. Your execution will be announced and viewed by the Forum (Bypasses night immunity) - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Conversion immune

The Kid Named Ryan

Council of Idiots Social
Meme Lord Status (Passive) - You will be able to nominate yourself as the next Thread Host before anyone else.
Denied (Night) - The target cannot accuse anyone nor vote to decide someone’s fate. The amount for voting majority has not changed. - Infinite uses
Peace Treaty (Night) - No trial will be held tomorrow. This will be publicly announced. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Converts into The Poke-HEY MAN or The Hacker
Toxic Points: 2

The Lion

Council of Idiots Support
No U (Day) - If a target player attempts to use a day ability today, you will say “No u” resulting in the player targeting themselves instead. - 2 uses
Begone Thot (Night) - Prevent any thots from visiting a player tonight. - Infinite uses
Trap Card (Night) - If a Moderator, Toxic, or Neutral visits you tonight, you and the target player will be notified (Does not work if the Lion is converted). - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Predator or The Dick Drawer
Toxic Points: 2
Toxic Alt:
(Trap Card) No Privacy (Night) - If a member of the Council of Idiots or a Neutral visits you, the Toxic will be given the visitor’s class. - 1 use

The Meme Searcher

Council of Idiots Investigative
Twitter (Day) - Look through some relatable memes to see if someone left their room or not that night. You will be told the results the next morning. - Infinite uses
Stalk (Night) - Stalk someone to see who they visit and who visited them. - Infinite uses
Post Count (Night) - Read someone’s post count determining their faction. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Meme Stealer or The Racist
Toxic Points: 2

The Mislynched :shield:

Council of Idiots Killer
I Told You So (Passive) - If you’re executed by the forum, then your first accuser dies due to guilt.
Defenseless (Passive) - We feel sorry for you, so let’s make you immune to occupation and redirection. But… we like to watch you suffer, so you will appear as a Moderator/Toxic to all Investigatives.
Town Blood (Day) - Make a player bleed. They will die in two night unless they are healed. - 2 uses
Crappy Defense (Night) - Prevent anyone from visiting you, if someone tries to kill you, they will be attacked (Bypasses death immunity). - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Actual Scum or The Gamethrower
Toxic Points: 2 - Each ability cost varies
Free Toxic Point Alt:
Defenseless (Passive)
1 Toxic Point Alt:
(Town Blood) Scum Blood (Day) - Rage out at a player causing them to bleed. They will die in two nights unless they are healed. Using this ability a second time requires and expends a use of The Alt Account Creator’s Toxic Glare. - 2 uses
(Crappy Defense) Leave me Alone! (Night) - Barricade the door to your room preventing anyone from visiting you. - 2 uses
2 Toxic Point Alt:
(I Told You So) You Done Screwed Up (Passive) - If you get executed for breaking the peace, you will reveal the class of your first accuser to the Toxic at the start of the night.

The Nuclear Mexican Dish

Council of Idiots Offensive
Strong Guts (Passive) - You are immune to the effects of mexican food which makes you immune to occupation and redirection.
Hot Sauce (Day) - Give the Thread Host a lethal amount of hot sauce causing him to bleed and die in two nights if not healed. If the Thread Host is an Idiot, you will commit suicide. - 1 use, available starting Day 4
A Totally Safe Burrito (Night) - Occupy a player by giving them indigestion. - Infinite uses
Caution: Do Not Enter! (Night) - If someone visits you tonight, they will be occupied for two nights (Bypasses occupation immunity). - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Restroom or The Gamethrower
Toxic Points: 2 - Each ability costs 1
Toxic Alt:
(Hot Sauce) Too Salty (Day) - Sprinkle in a lethal amount of salt in the Thread Host’s food causing him to bleed and die in two nights unless healed. If the Thread Host is Banned, you will rage quit and kill yourself the following night. - 1 use

The Prince(ss) Claimer

Council of Idiots Investigative
Meme Lord Status (Passive) - You will be able to nominate yourself as the next Thread Host before anyone else.
Ready to Play? (Night) - Visit a player and ask them to roll a pair of dice. The number they rolled reveals their two possible class types. The pairs are as follows: 2-5: Support/Social 6-9: Killer/Offensive 10-12: Special/Investigative. - Infinite uses
Proposal (Night) - Ask someone to propose to you, if they are a killer, their attack will redirect to you instead of their original target. This will cause you to bleed, making you die the next night unless you get healed (Does not work on killers immune to redirection). - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Multi-Claimer or The Racist
Toxic Points: 2 - Each ability costs 1
Toxic Alt:
(Ready to Play?) Feeling Lucky? (Night) - Get a player to roll a pair of dice. The results depends on the number the player rolled. The results are as follows: 2-5: Faction is revealed 6-9:Class Type is revealed 10-12: Exact Class is revealed. - 2 uses

The Squid

Council of Idiots Support
Tolerance (Passive) - You have been exposed to dangerous substances for so long that you’re immune to poison and bleeding.
Kraken Healing (Night) - Summon a kraken to heal a player from attacks and any poisoning or bleeding they have. - Infinite uses
Go Do it Yourself (Night) - Give someone a first aid kit they can use to heal themselves from poison, bleeding, or attacks on a later night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Cthulhu or The Dick Drawer
Toxic Points: 2 - Each ability costs 1
Toxic Alt:
(Kraken Healing) Take a Breather (Night) - The Alt Account Creator’s Toxic Screech will not kill the Toxic player that is targeted. - 1 use

The Uncle Doggo :shield:

Council of Idiots Support
Always Rolls Neutral Killer (Passive) - You have the ability to talk to the dead at night. Additionally you appear as a Killing class to all investigatives.
Hella Straight Vodka Drinker (Passive) - You are immune to ONE attack for the first 2 nights of the game. You also have vodka in your fridge. It starts on 10 and you can store a maximum of 10 bottles in your fridge at a time. If somebody visits you, they will steal your vodka. If you have no vodka left, you will rot away.
The Hylian Shield (Day) - Make a player immune to death tonight. - 1 use
Eat Pant (Night) - Consume the remaining straightness from a dead player. This will give you one bottle of vodka. - 3 uses
Meme Ritual (Night) - Post a dead meme nobody asked for. This revives the targeted dead player. Each night they live for will use up one bottle of vodka. After 3 days, they will be independent from you and will be able to roam around freely. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Neutral Killer or The Dick Drawer
Toxic Points: 2 - Ability Costs: varies
Free alt:
Unlucky Rolls (Passive) - You will appear as a Killing class to all Investigatives.
1 point alts:
Always Rolls Neutral Killer
(Hella Straight) Racism Against Idiots (Passive) - You are able to survive ONE attack made on you or one Toxic Screech targeting you.
The Hylian Shield
2 point Alt:
(Eat Pant) Absorb Trouser (Day/Night) - Use an ability of any dead player. Cannot use Special classes or The Discord Bot - 2 uses

The Whamm

Council of Idiots Offensive
Meme Lord Status (Passive) - You will be able to nominate yourself as the next Thread Host before anyone else.
Gotta Go Fast (Passive) - You can run so fast that you are immune to occupation and redirection.
Swag (Night) - Redirect a player to target you. Attacks and conversion will not affect you. - Infinite uses
Sunglasses at Night (Night) - Anyone who visits your target will be redirected to you instead. Attacks and conversion will not affect you. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Moderators or the Toxic and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Too Cool for School or The Gamethrower
Toxic Points: 2 - Each ability costs 1
Toxic Alt:
(Sunglasses at Night) Not Him! (Night) - Anyone who visits your target will be occupied and preventing them from visiting. - 1 use

Moderator Class Cards

:shield: - Unique :crossed_swords: - Guaranteed

The Actual Scum :shield:

Moderator Offensive
Defenseless (Passive) - We feel sorry for you, so let’s make you immune to occupation and redirection. You’re actually scum, so there’s no reason to say you’ll appear as a Moderator to investigatives.
Taking You With Me (Day) - Make a player bleed. They will die in two nights unless if they are healed. The second use of this ability takes up a use of the Marlvelous’ Cut That Out. - 2 uses
Decent Annoyance (Night) - Prevent anyone from visiting a Moderator… - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Ashe of Ashes :shield: :crossed_swords:

Moderator Special
Head of the Forum (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, redirection, and death at night. Players who try to occupy or change your target will believe they succeeded. You will know who you would have been redirected to. If you die during the first three nights, your oldest Moderator will become the Ashe of Ashes.
Fake Moustache (Passive) - Your clever disguise will make you appear as a member of the Council of Idiots for the first three nights.
Blackmail (Night) - Blackmail a member of the Council of Idiots making them convert into their Moderator equivalent of their previous class. If you failed to blackmail someone three times in a row, a random member of the Council of Idiots will be converted. - Infinite uses (1 Night Cooldown)
Misleading Post (Night) - Frame a player making them look like a Moderator to investigatives. - 4 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to harm

The Bean

[Moderator Support
Useless Scum (Passive) - You can accuse and vote, but you’re scum now.
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Crabby

Moderator Social
Lying Resume (Night) - Frame a target and find out the results of the players that visited your target (Attacks and conversions will not show). - Infinite uses
Ready for Duty (Night) - Send one 1000 character anonymous message to your target. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Cthulhu

Moderator Offensive
Master’s Protection (Passive) - The great overlord has given you poison and bleed immunity.
Tendrils of Insanity (Day) - Manipulate a player into believing that they are bleeding. - 2 uses
Offer from Above (Night) - Give a gift disguised as a first aid kit to a player. When the player uses it, they will receive false feedback for two nights. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Emote User

Moderator Investigative
I’m In (Day) - Hack into a player’s DMs to determine their class type. - 2 uses
Think Alike (Night) - Text a message to someone disguised as the player of your choice. If they reply with ;), then your target and your disguise are the same class type. If they reply with :/, then they are not the same class type. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Jokester Bird

Moderator Social
Distant Scream (Day) - Shout a single 1000 character anonymous message through the host to the forum. - 2 uses
Mental Invasion (Night) - You and your target can send each other two 1000 character messages through the host throughout the night. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Marlvelous

Moderator Killer
Cut That Out (Day) - Cut a player causing them to bleed. They will die in two nights unless they are healed. - 2 uses
Close the Thread (Night) - Attack a player tonight. - Infinite uses
Check Rules (Night) - Go out and read the rulebook to gain an extra use of Cut That Out (Maximum amount of ability is 2). - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Meme Stealer

Moderator Investigative
Ifunny (Day) - Look through some relatable memes to see if someone left their room or not that night. You will be told the results the next morning. - Infinite uses
Stalk (Night) - Stalk someone to see who they visit and who visited them. - Infinite uses
Spicy Boi (Night) - Determine a player’s class. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Mod Thread Host :shield: :crossed_swords:

Moderator Special
Continue the Meme (Passive) - If you die, there will be an election to pick the next Thread Host.
Sheep Director (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Off with a Warning (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today - 2 uses
Account Declaration (Day) - You can choose if the player on trial gets pardoned or executed. - 1 use
Riot Shield (Night) - Send a Riot Shield to a player making them immune to death tonight. - 4 uses
Execute Order 66 (Night) - Kill the player of your choice. Your execution will be announced and viewed by the Forum (Bypasses night immunity). - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Multi-Claimer

Moderator Investigative
Meme Lord Status (Passive) - You will be able to nominate yourself as the next Thread Host before anyone else.
Winning Streak (Night) - Ask a player to roll a single die. The number they roll will determine their class type. The results are as follows: 1: Killer 2: Offensive 3: Social 4: Support 5: Investigative. - Infinite uses
Poker Face (Night) - Choose a Moderator and select which class they appear as to investigative classes. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Neutral Killer

Moderator Support
Is A Neutral Killer (Passive) - You will appear as a Killing class to all investigatives. Additionally when you are alive, the moderators will be able to speak with their dead members.
Improved Straight (Passive) - If you are attacked at night. You will consume one vodka to bring yourself back to life. You start with 2 bottles of vodka.
The Corrupted Shield (Day) - Make a player immune to death tonight. - 1 use
Inhale Slack (Night) - Steal a player’s vodka from their fridge, you can only steal vodka from a player once. - Infinite uses
Vodka Ascension (Night) - You will be told exactly what a random player in the round for each bottle of vodka you had before using this ability. You will lose all vodka you have after you harness this power. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Poke-HEY MAN

Moderator Social
Meme Lord Status (Passive) - You will be able to nominate yourself as the next Thread Host before anyone else.
Denied (Night) - The target cannot accuse anyone nor vote to decide someone’s fate. The amount for voting majority has not changed. - Infinite uses
Peace Treaty (Night) - No trial will be held tomorrow. This will be publicly announced. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Predator

Reverse Card (Day) - If a target player attempts to use a day ability today, you will activate your reverse card resulting in the player targeting themselves instead. - 2 uses
Cockblocked (Night) - Prevent any douchebag from visiting a player tonight. - Infinite uses
Hello Neighbor (Night) - If anyone visits you tonight, the Moderators will know who they are and what class they are. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Restroom

Moderator Offensive
Strong Gut (Passive) - You are immune to the effects of mexican food which makes you immune to occupation and redirection.
A Totally Safe Burrito (Night) - Occupy a player by giving them indigestion. - Infinite uses
Caution: Do Not Enter! (Night) - If someone visits you tonight, they will be occupied for two nights (Bypasses occupation immunity). - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Spammer

Moderator Support
Protect the Waifu! (Night) - Guard a Moderator making them death immune for the night. If someone attempt to attack the target you’re guarding, you will sacrifice yourself killing their attacker. - Infinite uses
Overload (Night) - Spam the target causing them to lose their death immunity. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Too Cool for School

Moderator Offensive
Meme Lord Status (Passive) - You will be able to nominate yourself as the next Thread Host before anyone else.
Gotta Go Fast (Passive) - You can run so fast that you are immune to occupation and redirection.
Swag (Night) - Redirect a player to target you. Attacks and conversion will not affect you. - Infinite uses
Sunglasses at Night (Night) - Anyone who visits your target will be redirected to you instead. Attacks and conversion will not affect you. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Toxic Class Cards

:shield: - Unique :crossed_swords: - Guaranteed

The Alt Account Creator :shield: :crossed_swords:

Toxic Special
Character Selection (Passive) - Before Night 1 begins, you can request the non unique Toxic alts you want for your other random starting Toxic. If Night 1 starts and you have not requested an Alt set, a random set will be given to them.
Toxic Glare (Day) - Glare at a player causing them to start bleeding. They will die in two nights unless they are healed. - 4 uses
Creation (Night) - Convert a member of the Council of Idiots by turning their account into one of your alt accounts. Their converted class will be based off the class type of their previous class. If you fail to convert someone three nights in a row, a random member of the Council of Idiots will be converted. - Infinite uses (1 Night Cooldown)
Toxic Screech (Night) - Scream so loud that a non-Toxic member and a Toxic die. The first use of this will not kill a Toxic. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Banned Thread Host :shield: :crossed_swords:

Toxic Special
Continue the Meme (Passive) - If you die, there will be an election to pick the next Thread Host.
Sheep Director (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Off with a Warning (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Account Declaration (Day) - You can choose if the player on trial gets pardoned or executed. - 1 use
Riot Shield (Night) - Send a Riot Shield to a player making them immune to death tonight. - x uses
Execute Order 66 (Night) - Kill the player of your choice. Your execution will be announced and viewed by the Forum (Bypasses night immunity). - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Dick Drawer :crossed_swords:

Toxic Support
Mother’s Basement (Night) - Have a Toxic member hide in your mother’s basement to make them appear not suspicious to investigators. - 2 uses
Phallic Art (Night) - Place a dick drawing in front of a Toxic’s room causing the visitors to be prevented from entering. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Gamethrower :crossed_swords:

Toxic Offensive
Unstoppable Rage (Passive) - Your intense anger gives you occupation and redirection immunity.
Broken Controller (Day) - Make a player’s day ability target someone else. - 1 uses
Frozen Screen (Night) - Prevent a player from leaving their room tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Hacker :crossed_swords:

Toxic Social
Voice Chat (Day) - Create a hidden day chat with the other Toxic members. - 1 use
Bug (Night) - Hack a player to have incorrect results. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Racist :crossed_swords:

Toxic Investigative
Skin Judgement (Night) - Determine the class of a player. - 1 use
Insult Analysis (Night) - Determine a player’s faction. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Neutral Class Cards

:shield: - Unique

The Bastard Thread Host

Neutral Special
Continue the Meme (Passive) - If you die, there will be an election to pick the next Thread Host.
**Sheep Director (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
**Bastard Rules (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Off with a Warning (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Account Declaration (Day) - You can choose if the player on trial gets pardoned or executed. - 1 use
Absolute Power (Night) - Get into someone’s account and kill them. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the all the players of the main factions and any neutrals that stand in your way.

Conversion Immune and only is present when a Neutral Killer becomes the Thread Host

The Cancer of Cheese :shield:

Neutral Killer
Swiss (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Free Food (Day) - Give a player a slice of cheese laced with explosives. They will not know about it. - Infinite uses
Lactose Intolerance (Night) - Kill all players that have a slice of cheese. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the all the players of the main factions and any neutrals that stand in your way.

Conversion Immune

The Dawn of N1ght

Neutral Support
Confidence (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and target changing.
Mission Failed (Passive) - If your friend dies, then you will become the Vanilla.
Step Aside (Night) - Guard your friend preventing anyone from visiting them. - 4 uses
Revenge (Night) - Attack a player that accused your friend. - 1 use
Your objective is to have [X] survive till the end of the game.

Conversion Immune

The Developer :shield:

Neutral Killer
Founder (Passive) - You created everything in this game, so you code yourself to be occupy immune, night immune, and target changing immune.
Authority (Day) - Command a player to use a day ability on another player of your choice. - 2 uses
Suspension (Night) - Banish a player making them unable to interact with the rest of the forum the next day. - 2 uses
Banhammer (Night) - Ban a player causing them to die. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the all the players of the main factions and any neutrals that stand in your way.

Conversion Immune

The Durian

Neutral Support
SO CUTE (Passive) - You’re too cute to be poisoned or bleeding, so let’s make you immune to them.
The Look (Day) - Make an adorable face that’s so cute that you are immune to attacks. - 4 uses
Cherry Antidote (Night) - Heal a player from attacks, poison, and bleeding tonight. - Infinite uses
Berry Bomb (Night) - Attack a person for not respecting your adorable-ness. - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive till the end of the game.

Conversion Immune

The Evolutionary

Neutral Offensive
Glacial Stance (Passive) - When in your ice form, you are immune to death.
Unmoving (Passive) - When in your normal form, you are immune to occupation and redirection.
Innocence (Passive) - When in your pure form, you will appear as member of the Council of Idiots to investigatives.
Shapeshifting (Day) - Change between three forms: Normal, Ice, or Pure. You will start as Normal at the beginning of the game. - Infinite uses
Frozen Solid (Night) - Barrier a player in ice preventing anyone from visiting them. - 3 uses
Distraction (Night) - Occupy a player for the night. - 3 uses
Beauty (Night) - Make a player look like a member of the Council of Idiots to investigatives. - 3 uses
See the Council of Idiots defeated.

Conversion Immune

The Frozen Wolf

Neutral Social
Determined (Passive) - You need to look like scum, so let’s make you occupation and death immune.
Wrong Page (Night) - Make someone read you making you look suspicious to investigative classes. - 2 uses
Excuse Me! (Night) - Occupy everyone visiting you (Bypasses occupy immunity). - 2 uses
Your objective is get executed by the Forum.

Conversion Immune

The Ichi Reader :shield:

Neutral Social
Focused (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, target changing, and death at night.
Disappointment (Passive) - If both of your targets died at night, then you will become the Vanilla.
Tin-Foil Crown (Night) - Frame one of your targets. - 2 uses
Invalid (Night) - Occupy one of your targets for the night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to live to see [X] or [X] executed.

Conversion Immune

The Neutral Thread Host :shield:

Neutral Special
Continue the Meme (Passive) - If you die, there will be an election to pick the next Thread Host.
Sheep Director (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Off with a Warning (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Account Declaration (Day) - You can choose if the player on trial gets pardoned or executed. - 1 use
Riot Shield (Night) - Send a Riot Shield to a player making them immune to death tonight. - 4 uses
Execute Order 66 (Night) - Kill the player of your choice. Your execution will be announced and viewed by the Forum (Bypasses night immunity). - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive till the end of the game.

Conversion Immune

The Vanilla

Neutral Support
Boring (Passive) - You can accuse and vote, but that’s about it…
Your objective is to survive till the end of the game.

Converts into The Bean or The Dick Drawer
[color=Orange]Toxic Points: 2[color=Orange]

Thread Host
Ashe of Ashes/Alt Account Creator
Marlvelous/Random Toxic
Discord Bot
Blob Burger/Dick Destroyer
Random Council of Idiots
Random Council of Idiots
Random Council of Idiots
Random Council of Idiots
Random Council of Idiots
Random Council of Idiots
Random Council of Idiots/Non-Killer Neutral
Random Council of Idiots/Non-Killer Neutral
Neutral Killer


  1. Firekitten :crown: (Why is this so fitting?)
  2. CheesyKnives
  3. Memesky
  4. htm
  5. MaximusPrime
  6. CaptainNerbins
  7. Techwolves
  8. Sam17z
  9. PokemonKidRyan
  10. Boss110
  11. eevee
  12. Hippolytus
  13. Soulshade55r
  14. Celeste_Ludenburg



  1. PoisonedSquid - Died Night 0 - Waluigi
  2. Pug - Died Night 0 - Luigi
  3. Boss110 - Executed Day 2 - Marlvelous
  4. Soulshade55r - Executed Day 3 - Prince(ss) Claimer
  5. Hippolytus - Died Night 3 - Cancer of Cheese
  6. techwolves - Died Night 3 - Uncle Doggo
  7. PokemonKidRyan - Suicided Day 4 - Marlvelous
  8. htm - Executed Day 4 - Squid
  9. CheesyKnives - Executed Day 5 - Ichi Reader
  10. Firekitten - Died Night 5 - Idiot Thread Host
  11. CaptainNerbins - Executed Day 6 - Lion
  12. Celeste_Ludenburg - Died Night 6 - Nuclear Mexican Dish
  13. Marluxion - Died Night 6 - Discord Bot


The Crash Changed my Class, What Gives? (Day 1)
I Can Tell You To Reopen Up Here 100000 IQ (Night 1)
Marl! It’s Time To Open The Thread! (Day 2)
A Tasty Crab Dinner (Night 2)
Peace is Boring (Day 3)
The Soul is in Another Castle (Night 3)
First Night Blood/Just Like the French (Day 4)
Calamari Incantation (Night 4)
Deja Vu (Day 5)
Cheesy Octopi (Night 5)
Long Live the Spam King (Day 6)



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what if marl and ashe take this down tho

They can’t cause they are forced to join

This is an FM game, they won’t take it down


/join ayyy i hope i roll kang

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Even tho it’s just a reskin, I’ll /join

Except this time I actually hope to be be town

Oh god. I don’t want to join. I’m in so much.


Just do it. lel

Join or lose every comp game due to an incompetent toxic squeaker every game from now on in overwatch


Been a little busy lately. Unfortunate but it seems like I have to skip out on this.

You have been cursed to lose every comp game now

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I have been throwing my deathmatch games. 3 wins 3 losses. As torb. I wonder wtf I have been doing wrong.

You didn’t spam Q hard enough

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Then that’s fine

Every nerd playing MOBA’s in nutshell.




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