[FM] Throne of Riots - Council of Idiots Win! (Barely)

Fair point.
/vote Nerbins


Too late in the game for info Lynch. Not doing it. My vote is on Ryan

As you’re now unwilling to admit your nerbins/pkr scumteam makes no sense

Nerbins pkr scum team makes no sense, that is why I am thinking Htm and Ryan scum team.

Or cheesy could be scum


You’re just trying to push me hard.
Which makes sense really for a scum to do.
After all scorned has me as a target too so you have a bonus vote on me

Wouldn’t be surprised with scum Cheesy and we win tommorow, but we have to take precautions in case that is not it

Tbh I could vote PKR but I am getting town reads from him

I just see no reason to vote him

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Don’t trust scorned. Don’t know why a scorned would think about pardoning Celeste so I doubt he is scorned and probs scum. And your right is makes no sense for scum to do me pushing you because I AM NOT SCUM!

As said before I am fine with an Htm Lynch today. It was my original plan but no one listened

Sam, here’s a deal, one you won’t refuse~
We vote Nerbins today, Marl exe’s Cheesy, Fire exe’s HTM.
IF all flip NON UNSEEN, we vote you

I could live with this

You stab Sam, I bomb you.


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Sure thing.

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You agree to my plan then?

Sure sure

/vote Nerbins due to political agreements

Plan in action!!
Nerbins is Today’s Vote

But then everyone dies