[FM] Throne of Riots - Council of Idiots Win! (Barely)

Yeah, no. I’ve not used that before and I’m not going to start.
My original tactics still have their charm.

I simply didn’t vote as we rushed yesterday.
We had plenty of time to go and we ended day early without any need when we could have had discussion.
That’s why I didn’t vote. As I wanted us to utilise the time we have
This is why I am avoiding voting Soul for now too, as I want us to be able to plan stuff out.
We don’t know who is what. But, we can plan for the possibilities

Okay. I have a plan.
If there is a Squid, heal Meme.
If there is a Lion, protect PKR.

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This is a good plan.
If I do say so myself

This is kindve why we wanted to execute you D2 for you OEing random claims. Your the king, you are a figure head (Tokugawa shogunate Japan) you do what we tell you or you get exes the next day. Just sit back and have your wine. Deduce but if you oe someone without our permission you die the next day. Instantly without hesitation

This had to go here. Sam needed it, even if he didn’t know it.

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What if I OE a bad guy tho

Not a possibility. If you OE person the expected value is Town so that means you intended for it to be Town, but it magically appeared scum so your intentions indicate that you are scum king.

Btw you want to make yourself immune to vote so we don’t vote you again

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Alright, peeps, I’m going to sleep, Mr. Pug can take of things, if somebody dies, then I guess he causes more actions than me, goodnight

Vote Count

Voted Voters Count/Majority
Soulshade55r MaximusPrime, Sam17z, techwolves 3/7

I don’t have claim list, damn confusing here.

Unless Boss110 can bleed their own teammate, TechWolves can’t be seen as Mod Cult today.

Bingo or actualy half bingo.

I don’t feel any motivation when playing classes wich don’t need to scumhunt or pretend to scumhunt.

Like, remember fate FM? I was first to claim neutral in neut-only game, lel.

Lmao, I remember that one.
I got super unlucky :frowning:
2 people both guarding my exe target. Yeah, chance of winning meet window. As it crashed down pretty hard

Lel, second was accident.

I didn’t know they are GA when I remembered theirs role.

First 2 games…
Mafia and then executioner.
Seems about my level tbh.

It’s very different to here

Rather dificult to adapt tbh.

At least I had hard time to adapt to theirs style.
They are really perfectionists.

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Did I miss anything important

TechWolves bleeding, but I occupy him and stole his vodka from the fridge.

Then I had hella party, doing cheeki breeki.

Btw why did you steal one wasnt your burrito enough :frowning:

Oh sounds fun trying to see if there is anything else.