what’s your claim if you want me dead so badly LUL
sam first.
Welp if Nerb dies tonight don’t blame me
I gave you 2 choices
If nerb dies pkr dies
Vote Count
Execute - MaximusPrime/PokemonKidRyan (2/6)
Pardon - Firekitten/Sam17z(2/6)
I said My N1 and N3. Tbh idc if you claim you are todays lynch.
I am either:
- Discord Bot
- Furry Flame
- The Mislynched
- The Durian
- The Dawn of N1ght
Do with that what you will
1 Like
Cheesy is fool. Let prince exe
1 Like
He’s going to claim prince
3 2 1
Also which idiotic scum would claim “I forgot”
A comverted one?
you are definitely scum. jailor jail them cause they are still refusing to claim
Actually no
I am not converted tho
I’m smarter than that
I am boss btw. you are scum.
Sam, are you the real Bot?
what does boss do?