[FM] Throne of Riots - Council of Idiots Win! (Barely)

For the love of god, it’s only the confirmation stage and you already want to kill someone?!

There are mods in this place and I shall murder each person till I find them

Who wants a stupid Pug fact:

Huh. Nobody?


I have multiple dents in my skull because I hit my head on desks on purpose

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Oh, it was edited.


I was CL before. I regret the reroll now.


I can’t believe my actual class is Fool, The Frozen Wolf. Fortunately for you guys, you aren’t expecting what I am.


I was priest

fuck I was cult with eevee


/crap I was cock blocker last time. that wouldve been fun.

@Soulshade55r still needs to confirm before Night 1 can begin.

/confirm didn’t I already do that :thinking:

This is a reroll, mate

Oh welp I was discord bot

@MaximusPrime hasn’t confirmed either, please do so as well :slight_smile:




I was myself last time, the screeching grass owl

Looks like everyone has confirmed! It’s time to close the forum for the night and submit those actions! Sleep tight, don’t let the memebugs bite. Mwhahahahaha! Day returns at 12:17pm CST on June 3.


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