[FM] Throne of Riots - Council of Idiots Win! (Barely)

Why would you protect a king who you thought was evil!


Becauses he’s NICE!

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Will you OE me btw?

Simple reason, as I believed Meme would be protected already and didn’t want to waste my ability


Remind me who’s been threatening to OE literally everyone this game?

I protected him!

What night?

Exactly, so my gut was right after all


@PoisonedSquid stop threating people!

So why not protect someone you thought was town?

Don’t meme ping.

But it’s true!

What the krill are you talking about? I can’t modkill people! (Not randomly anyway)


Someone protect my back btw so I can heal PKR and not die

PKR is fake bleeding my dude

On Meme, no can do.

You possessed me to say those awful things!

He is?