[FM] Throne of Riots - Council of Idiots Win! (Barely)

Let’s try N2

@discobot roll 1d11

:game_die: 8

Vote Count

Execute - htm (1/6)

No one died then either

Let’s try N3

@discobot roll 1d10

:game_die: 3

You failed.

Almost forgot this.

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I object!

After I get lynched.

I object too, after you get lynched!

I object after your lynched!

Btw can you show us some logs?

Takin’ a while, HTM.

HTM the Squiddo

N1: Heal FK? Idk
N2: Heal me
N3: Heal no one cuz I forgot!





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Htm, you’re healing me tonight.

May I say bs on this.

You can’t self heal

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A person who did not notice you are king

It didn’t matter anyway, no one got killed n1


Who heals Firekitten?