[FM] Throne of Riots - Council of Idiots Win! (Barely)

We have to be sure,im stepping up. Chances we dont kill mm are 10%

Ok btw, im pretty sure the Mm tried to convert me last night

What happened yo you last night celeste!

Marl was bled


What is your N5?

My N5 is Caution:, flavor text is that one person tried to visit me

That person was most likely the MM :woman_shrugging:

atleast one

I disagree. Nerbins is probs Assassin who tried to kill you. And if Eevee was jailed it makes sense

Alright cool

@Nerbins what is your N5 logs?

Cant we skip it :rage:

Eevee was. But there are two scum

No, we have to wait for the MLS to say if they want to step up or not

Yall should obviously let me step up so i dont suicide :wink:

There are none :frowning:

Eevee can’t be the mm or the convert

Nerbins was N4 convert then and Eevee was mm

Why not the mm?