[FM] Throne of Riots - Council of Idiots Win! (Barely)

Nvm must be losing my mind


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/Vote firekitten
50/50 odds yeah fuck that I have to agree

Vote Count

Firekitten - Sam17z/Memesky/MaximusPrime/Soulshade55r (4/8)

Your voting me on the odds and not the action.

The action of what? You sheeping the sheriff?

I didn’t have a action yet.

I didn’t even use a ability yet.

But you are voting me because the odds are 50/50

Wait I got a idea @Sam17z
If this rolls (insert number) look down at this chart to determine what I am
1-Evil king
2-Good king

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 2


(Quick edit)

No one saw anything

Sorry but 50% chance of being evil is bad enough also I can prove some royalty tommorow


Look at my passive

No royals shall step up
For you just got rid of their royal blood by lynching me

Thats true meaning we couldnt tell whos a memer or not

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Exactly tech!

Get them to Unvote me now plz :slight_smile:

Tbh i get the reason but only 3 are voting fire at this point im thinking they are ether mods/toxic or a nk

Personally, I think they’re morons instead of what Tech suggested. But they could be both.

Now to bring this up @Sam17z another reason im not voting up its to early to think fire could possibly evil

I have a great idea. hands eevee some cookies hold these dont question it.

/Vote Eevee