[FM] Throne of Riots - Council of Idiots Win! (Barely)



The majority for execution has been reached! Flip will be coming shortly!

Boss110 has been executed!

He was

The Marlvelous

Moderator Killer
Cut That Out (Day) - Cut a player causing them to bleed. They will die in two nights unless they are healed. - 2 uses
Close the Thread (Night) - Attack a player tonight. - Infinite uses
Check Rules (Night) - Go out and read the rulebook to gain an extra use of Cut That Out (Maximum amount of ability is 2). - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Council of Idiots and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Here are his logs:
the marluxion army is coming!! and nothing can stop this!! one by one all user with litten profile picture will die!!



It is now the second night! Make sure you keep the doors locked :wink: The third day begins at 12:11 pm CST on June 7th or when all have submitted an action. @Marluxion , will you do the honors?


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Alright, since everyone submitted their actions early, we’re gonna start the day early! And… nobody died again?! Are you kidding me? Man, you guys are so passive. Oh well, the night starts again at 8:28 am CST on June 10th. Good luck and start drawing some blood!images(3)

No picture?

I’m on my phone, it’ll take a bit

Okay since I am taking credit of occupying Boss110, do you want to hear who I have occupied this time?

Although keep in mind, there can be NK’s around and Moderator may have new killer since they lost the original or they don’t have one at the moment.

Other than that, I slept peacefully.

Well still bleeding was occed boss hasnt said anything in dead chat i lost a vodka since i was visited

Occing me does nothing when im littrely bleeding frost did you enjoy the vodka you stole from me

Btw please heal tonight or ill bleed out and a reminder uncle doggos abilites only work on the dead

And keep this in mind why would the mods bleed their next convert

Hmm? Are you being sarcastically claiming Neutral Killer, Moderator Support?

No im claiming still uncle doggo you stole one of my 10 vodkas

Plus reminder my passive makes me show up as a killing class

I don’t think my occupation work that way, I only give away burritos

It does actually any visitors still one