[FM] Throne of Riots - Council of Idiots Win! (Barely)

Then don’t comment about jailing him


The cross reference depicts ryan as a suspect. He pushes soulshade as scum and calls him scum but does not vote to avoid the cross reference check if soul flips town.

What does that mean?

Ryan voted memesky the confirmed town, but not boss the confirmed scum. And he is pushing soulshade but is not voting to not get caught when people are just looking at votes down the line like me that he voted soulshade

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Someone give me a list of everyone that has claimed already ffs


Read it yourself

Let’s just say, this won’t happen.
Also, I’m being pushy but not voting for an easy reason. I want to discuss before voting

Discord bot is that you?

i literally have 0 idea of any claims lol, esp cuz all the claims have to be translated to normal FoL aswell

For now let’s just say I am. Then I know I won’t be imprisoned and I’d know Soul’s claim.
If I am not, I’m claiming bot to try and take a bullet for them.
Either way it is beneficial for me to claim this and to be allowed to run with it for a while.

So should I

  • Guard you
  • Order execution

0 voters

Claim discord bot or get OE

Wait guys wrong answers hold on

  • Order execution if you don’t claim discord bot
  • Guard him if he does

0 voters

This suggests that if I claim Discord Bot, you may not guard me anyway.

Eh okay fine I got it this time

Alts are not allowed to vote, Hippofakeus!

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I can’t control what Hippo 2 does

He may not be discord bot we must decide if he’s the real one or not. Fakes get exed.

  • Guard Him
  • OE Him

0 voters

He is his own man who don’t need nobody
