You tried visiting PKR night 3, correct?
Ok lets get Maximus on the stand. And prince jails Cheesy. Fire OE’s Htm. Htm heals Nerbins. Nerbins guards PKR
And what happened?
We both know the answer.
I want to confirm myself btw so I am healing myself
Nerbins guard PKR
What about meme?
Unless FK decides to not OE me tonite
Oh yeah.
That guy!
Meme’s the Burger.
Kitten, guard him.
Meme should check Celeste
I can’t send a OE AND A GUARD
Fire… I half hate you in this game with a passion right now for just doing this
Why can I not just be discord bot?
The other half of me wants to flipping cry.
You’re OEing HtM?