[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

I’m sure i could figure out some way to make this malicious if i’m scum but like

There’s no reason to incriminate me for… whatever he thinks might happen cuz I all I want to do is basically my form of trying to cohere town and help town play here

Being pulled away. Stuck at message 172.

Alright, well, I’ve submitted my last will with the format

Name - Role
Actions (If I have any): Actions as I do them
Reads: Only will have sudden changes during night because y’all can ISO me anyway
Theories: Tinfoils will be here

Rolelist, filling out what I am with everything abbreviated.
Town Power - TPow. Town Investigative - TI. Town Killing - TK. Random Town - RT. Citizen - Cit. Coven Head - CH. Coven Power - CPow. Random Coven - RC. Neutral Benign - NB. Neutral Evil - NE. Neutral Killing - NK.

I have also inserted myself into the slot I am. E.g.

RT x3
Cit x6
RC x2
NB (Double) PKR

people should 100% make last wills

but i aint gonna make mine in that format

I do mine like

Marshal | [rolename]

D1 - Action - Results
N1 - Action - Results
D2 - Action - Results
N2 - Action - Results

Down here either goes a readlist or things that should be focused on after my death.

Marshal | Mysthicc

D1] Link minds - Marshal & Sirderpsalot [in allies with: Arete & ici]
N1] Stalk Wazza - Visited Icibalus
D2] Link minds - Marshal & Alice [in allies with: Arete & vul]
N2] Stalk ZoneQ11

Btw I was not bled d1, that was a FPS with derps.

Dont think im dying tonight but uh
But i’m going to put a readlist here, not because I care that y’all see my reads, but for postgame cred

Town reads:

Immediate PoE for me:

assa is probably in Amelia/Zone. Tracking Zone for this reason. MM somewhere in my immediate townleans. Cheese still has some MM equity, ngl.

Don’t see ici as the conv so wazza kinda cleared. TBE could be a potential mm/assa too. I like my PoE and if we thin that and soon then we are in good shape.

If seth’s exhume is unseen, then we can remove Amelia from uns PoE.

my SFoL60 logs

That works. I merely made the suggestion so lazy people who do not normally make wills/logs can just copy/paste my outline and fill it in easier.

That’s fine ofc.

Im not that much of a fan of claim-tracks in logs in FM. Usually they are only put there in ToS to help you remember who claimed what, but in FM that’s way easier. I get why it’s done in ToS but to me it just takes up too much space

When you abbreviate it like I have it’s a lot shorter.

Anyway I’m going to get ready and go into town for some drinks.
I’m doing some drunk jackbox tonight so please expect me to be mildly inebriated

eh still

I have an ongoing battle with the 1000 char limit so I prefer not to add claim tracking

also i guess the excersizes aren’t gonna be done rn

wait, did they really reduce the char limit on this site from 150,000 chars to 1,000 chars?

So I’m going to be playing on and off for awhile and I’m back on

Unless pkr or wazza have changed it, Marshal is the top poster and in second.

Team gamer could be a way to extort thread control, and I could see myself giving in. Effectively, team gamer is me and marshal pocketing each other too, so him flipping coven would look like I’m coven too. While I do think marshal’s conversation attempts are townie, the towncred is incredibly easy to get there, especially for marshal. So until I have a reason to rejoin,

/leave team gamer

no dummy

the log limit is 1000 characters


well i guess i won’t be able to run the excersizes but is anyone interested in what I actually would have done?

or are people going to shade me for what I potentially could be doing

I’d like to hear what you had planned, or at least a little bit to advertise it to us

im absolutely interested, the gamer team is just so intimidating

You literally pushed on me because I visited Ici.

I.e. I want to do these execersises but I don’t want the loudest voices in one place