[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

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I see Magnus is throwing shade at me, despite myself being the only TP claim so far.

don’t think it’s shade?

more like


i mean i had the same thought

after marshal flipping exe I don’t think I can trust anymore ;-;

Also think about that for a moment. TP is unique to this setup. I wouldn’t do something like claim Mayor as NK because I’d get CC’ed then I’m dead.


i have like 200 tinfoils, each one less likely than the last

Well let’s hear it then.

speaking of tinfoils

how likely would you say this is for Nk!derps to be a thing

If I was throwing shade I would’ve worded it better.

Also socially I am obvious town. I didn’t vote up Alice, upped EVO and you have the nerve to call me NK Magnus?

Magnus upped Alice and didn’t up EVO. He is either Coven/NK. Hang him now.

Yet you’re the one who doesn’t up the evils, I do.

Magnus scum slipped. He is a wolf. /vote Magnus

i mean
that’s why im voting him

prefer to wait for VC tho lmao

He is as wolfy as possible. He didn’t up EVO.

Anyone who didn’t up EVO and is a scum read needs to die today. No ifs, no buts.

hold that thought for one sec

ima go write a VC real quick

We are going to have vig shoot Magnus since it’s a very safe shot

Richard, can’t you learn to take a joke? Your reaction honestly surprised me, and not in a good way. If anyone scumslipped, it’s you.

How about this; reveal now and I’ll selfvote, and won’t talk again for the rest of the day. That was extremely suspicious of you.

/Vote Richard

Kill the scum read who didn’t up EVO either today or tonight.

Yeah i’m fine with that.