[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

Based on unpartnerlike interactions between flipped scum evo and unflipped cloned, I think that Uni is likely to not be groupscum
They actually supported shot on the slot

would now look like:

In coven PoE, youā€™d have:

(maybe) Derps

In NK PoE, youā€™d have:



whatā€™d i miss

me leaving

but then sticking around

because I cant leave my computer

coming right up

go sleep

I donā€™t feel amazing narrowing it down from there


Donā€™t ping me so early.
Iā€™m never on that early on saturdays.

wait that was onlyā€“



People seem to forget my Timezone.

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Readlist, in order of OP
  • N.1 --> Zone_Q11 - VT claim - townread. Like Seth, Zone has been quite consistent - loud, angry, very demanding, and tunneling people. Lots of calls for nukes and caps lock posts. In the midst of those they have also given pretty decent analysis that I think comes from town. Wants me dead pretty badly for some reasonā€¦ At least he acknowledges that he doesnā€™t have any common sense

  • ModeShifter - VT claim - townlean (sadly). This slot has been tunneling slots, which I have learned that this is their towntell. And they were actually right for Marshalā€™s case. However, this slot has been knocked down a notch for me - he keeps up the same behavior, and a suspicionā€™s creeping on me that Seth knows his own towntell and is using that against us. Thatā€™s only a suspicion/tinfoil though, I still see this slot as town.

  • oB_Light - VT claim - townlean. Most notable thing is that theyā€™ve continuously been giving possibilities about themselves; even when others clear them as VT, they just come in and say ā€œwell you might be wrong, I might have gotten wrong investigated,ā€ etc. I think this kind of behavior rarely comes from scum.

  • an_gorta_pratai - VT claim - slight townlean. Geydeā€™s argument about this slot not being able to fake emotions due to being burned out is pretty worthless. However, during the small pockets of activity, this slot has been quite helpful,

  • CRichard564 - mayor claim - locktown. Do I really need to explain this?

  • katze --> Geyde - no claim - townlean. Stereotypical town leader imo, generating discussion, looking at lots of possibilities, and giving logical deductions. There were a few posts that made me think that this slot might be NK for a little while - will get back once I find it.

  • clonedcheese - VT claim - locktown. Duh

  • TheBlueElixir - no claim (that I can recall) - townlean. Not much has changed from my last readlist - they are top poster, with a lot of towny analysis. I really donā€™t see this slot being anything other than VT.

  • SogMan --> Possessed - no claim - townlean. Frankly I like this slot thinking along the same lines that I am - questioning the information given, especially those from an alleged NK. Unlike others, they were thoughtful and took a long time considering options, which seemed town motivated. (Side note: why are there so many people that focus on this game more than life skreeee Iā€™m one of them but letā€™s not talk about that reeee)

  • Fossil --> SirDerpsAlot - VT claim - town/NK . Although that FPS with Wazza was disgusting, I think that was town motivated - what they said about getting the NK to kill him instead of any PRs was quite towny. This move doesnā€™t really make sense as coven, since they probably dont want to die. However I see this slot as possible NK, because 1) trading claims as NK and NB might help and 2) there would be close to no risk openly claiming NB to Wazza the FPSing town.

  • PokemonKidRyan - vig claim - locktown. Again I donā€™t think this needs explaining.

  • Universal - no claim - scumlean. Not sure if itā€™s a regular thing with this slot, but they have been quite defensive at any attacks at them of any kind. I didnā€™t notice anyone hardly scumreading this slot until today, but they would be quick to their own defense whenever anyone said anything about them. Seems like jumpy scum. (Side note: I personally want this slot out of the game as fast as possible because I feel bad that weā€™re distracting them from their life ;-:wink:

  • Magnus - no claim - light scumlean. This slot hasnā€™t talked yet today, so Iā€™m not conclusively reading this slot just yet. However, as previously explained, this slot has been quite jumpy in their votes, especially D1. They jumped around between Alice and me quite a lot without any good reason. Their ā€œPoEā€ that they posted D2 was quite weird and didnā€™t even have any obvious choices, like EVO.

Fun fact - Marshal is our 2nd highest poster even though heā€™s been dead since D1 lmao

PoE + analysis

Thus, my groupscum PoE is:


And my NK PoE is:


Fuck thatā€™s a tiny list

I have massive numbers of misclears



Misclear analysis/conflicting reads:

  • Geyde reads possessed as possible scum - donā€™t think this is a bus, might be TvS here in some way

Thatā€™s like a tiny PoE but w/e

Hopefully you people know by now that im not the expert on reads

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/kinda vote Magnus but not really yet

ima wait for a VC

shit i took too long
thread is dead


Nope Iā€™m here.

talk to me

do you have any intentions of outing anytime soon

By revealing as Mayor? Itā€™s going to be either today or tomorrow. If it is stalker, then Iā€™m probably dead the next night barring a Stalker lynch.

itā€™s possible that you can just
drop down dead at the end of today

Anyway Iā€™ll be going through the VC to see who should get the noose today. Any scum read who didnā€™t up EVO.

Plot twist; Richard is actually the nk pretending to be unrevealed mayor to avoid being lynched.