[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

You’re referring to the game you were a Merc and I was one of your contracts?

Nah, and I don’t wanna out my class rn.

@PokemonKidRyan very cool that you’re drinking but like are you staying healthy and getting some water too?

why is everybody softing


water good

If I was a guardian angle, I’d be acute one an angle that guards

Why Twi and Italy? So far Tw1 feels a bit underwhelming.

Like I said earlier, twi felt like a voice of reason in thread and so far I don’t see much agenda in their posts. Only focus on advancing the gamestate which was very needed

Italy is always scum why can nobody see that

Oh it’s Italy being Italy seeing he is LHF.
Twilight is one of my null reads right now.


It doesn’t matter if they’re not scum, they’re scum.

I had some strawberry milk!

Oh strawberry milk is so yummy

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I’d honestly dayvig someone for some strawberry milk rn

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Her level of follow-up is fine. First impressions of her were kind of eh-ish being that she was focusing way too much on Gorta’s claim without bothering to solve for his alignment.

kinda liking alice here ngl

mixed feelings because of the kat and wazz things but in general I like her tone

I do want to try to grasp her meta better tho

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my n0 greencheck is on alice

I tracked alice and she visited the dead guy!!!11!!
I swear!

arete visited derps n1