[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

I’m basically putting Katze in the Katze folder.

Basically, vig her n1 wait until there’s more content from her before making any solid judgments.

Honestly when it comes to Katze so far. It’s hard to tell when the memeing ends and when she takes the game seriously begins.

This is basically why I’m 3p-reading you.

You don’t have much reads, but at the time you really don’t give a shit about it.


i figured itd be backwards but that makes sense for hesitancy to exist(for wolves tring wolves)

either way being ‘thread spewed’ means I guess means that my voice/vote are slightly stronger(but no more accurate)

katze memes a lot, seem sto be NAI. unfortunately i think their acting a lot like scorned katze, memeing but doing some lighter solving parts

but scorned katze wasn’t groupscum or town or even a direct NE so i don’t know what i get from that

kat is not acting like scorned kat

scorned kat actually desired thread control (and tried to get it). This kat clearly does not.

i will admit one of my biggest flaws is having content early game (mostly D1)

but i’d like to think for my low standards im doing okay

some of it will just take some time to grow

It’s why I 3p-read them, but since I don’t SR them then I’m probably not lynching them until mid/late game.

In my best of days, I put Katze as a town read. Nowadays I’m confused as heck regarding her.

how much of your 3p read is because i’ve claimed executioner like 20 times

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im going to have to re-read it aren’t I

but i felt like the light mix of solving and memeing was like scorned katze

though katze was the second highest poster d1 that game, meanwhile this game stated that they would post less(and have)

also whats 3p

Thoughts on 3p Kat?

Like, not Exe in particular, just a 3p with their own objective.

3rd party aint it

It’s less because of that and more because of your floatyness. Like, as town you actually care more about wolfhunting.

Yeah, another name for Neutrals.


Thing is if Seth didn’t push me to reveal and Katze were claiming executioner, then that could be used to try to catch her out in a lie. Except Seth blunders into the game like a bull in a china shop and wonder why the game is such a mess.

I could see nb kat, possible phantom kat

specifically cupid or double. Mostly cupid.

but I don’t see exe kat as a thing and that’s the scariest 3p imo

I’m not sure I’ve forgiven Seth yet so far. He’s another one I don’t want to be in the same game with right now.

The more I don’t talk to Seth, the better my day is.

that’s a new one

Alice/Marshal thoughts on EVO since he’s here?

I got the impression that he was townie but didn’t have enough posts to prove it at the time and still want more