[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

Neither have you.

By the way, I take back my Vig claim.

I have no clue what the fuck I was doing last night.

im not falling for your bait


In all seriousness, I take back my vig claim.


Ok so you were either memeing vig or fake claiming vig then?

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Oh really? Have I not posted reads so far? Or do I need to post them again and again? Wolf anyone?

Also I was trying to help you dummies by not claiming D1. Wow the lack of intelligence is stunning.

Yeah you know what? Evils are doing me a favor if they kill me N1. Itā€™s D1 and I can already tell this is going to be a bad game 100% certainty.

It seems I was wrong expecting people here to at least show some intelligence. It seems I disappointed myself yet again.

So Seth is someone Iā€™m not playing with until future notice. At least some good came out of this c*** fest. It helped me realise which players I shouldnā€™t touch with a barge pole and who I can at least trust to play the game properly.

Oh and Seth. I want to see an apology from you before the game ends or this will be our last game together.

@ChopChop apologise before the game ends or no games with me ever again.

Iā€™m guessing Wazza is 100% coven now right?

NK if youā€™re reading this, night kill Wazza N1.

Tw1light is so shy. I wonder why?

I donā€™t care if Wazza is town. If coven or NK night kill Wazza, it helps town.

What a bunch of losers. Hey spectators. I hope youā€™re enjoying the game more than I am.

Not memeing.

Fake Claiming Vig.

Ok so Wazza fake claimed vig all along. Thatā€™s good to know.