[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!


what was your motivation

I donā€™t know, it was last night and I was tired and I was going to continue trying to bait CL into witching me tonight but then I realised: ā€œCL probably doesnā€™t even exist lolā€

Learning about the factional kill annoyed me as scum could get a shit ton of kills in 1 night.

youā€™re never gonna let me townread you for free, are you?

nope, never.

Which makes things all the more interesting no?

Sorry I just love interesting games :sunglasses:


Day 1: Closing Argument

The last day took certainly an interesting turn so hereā€™s my thoughts on current gamestate.

Part 1: My Townreads

Right now, if say who is certainly Town as follows:

  • Me
  • Marshal
  • Italy
  • an_gorta_pratai
  • CRichard564
  • ModeShifter
  • TheBlueElixir
  • Universal

The game is kinda messy and to be fair even after thunderdome iā€™m still have doubts about who is who unfortunately, if i would force D1 Town Squad this probably would be look like this:

  • Me
  • Marshal
  • Italy
  • an_gorta_pratai
  • CRichard564
  • ModeShifter
  • TheBlueElixir
  • Universal
  • Alice
  • Wazza
  • Magnus
  • Katze/PKR

The last slots in the list are townleans, as for Katze and PKR, i got information that Katze like to mess around as any alignment so for me itā€™s very dificult to solve their slot but they did have some town motivation so i would say they are either Town/NB/NK. As for PKR, i donā€™t detect any real scum motivation from them, right now if say who they may be it probably same as Katze (Town/NB/NK) with PKR more likely being a non-Town here.
About Magnus i will explain in next part.

Part 2: Scumteam and FM Veterans

My scumreads didnā€™t change much since the last time aside moving Wazza into townleans for claiming confirmable role, N.1 almost certainly flips scum in my opinion so if Wazza seeks targets to shoot consider this one.

The thread was pretty quiet for the most part until that Marshal/Alice thundertome and there was a certain interaction that peek my interest which was between Alice and Magnus.

Magnus was absent most of the time and first they did after long time was hard-defending Alice for not really good reason but what happen next was much more interesting, Alice did a complete 180 on Magnus read after whiteknighting her earlier which for me look weird. Personally i think Alice is either Invest or Coven as i donā€™t see 3p!Alice pulling that stunt.

If say what is the current scumteam, if Alice is Coven it would be: Alice/N.1/Magnus/someone in PoE, i would say both Alice and Magnus are in the same team. There may be extreme case which is Alice being pocketed by Magnus while it would be hilarious if itā€™s true but i donā€™t really buy it for the time being.

If Alice is not Coven then the scum is somewhere in my PoE (Everyone excluding people in my 2nd list) while N.1 still being the only one who shown blatant scummy behaviour so far. (I know he probably was busy and anything but itā€™s a day 3 already he should be done by now).

As for where i mention FM veterans i meant Wazza/Alice/Marshal/Katze (Iā€™m talking about people that i think takes FM more seriously than others and have some notable experience if they are others who should be put into category let me know), the thing is whoever the scum team is, i hardly see any sign of coordination in thread aside that Alice/Magnus case. If i take a guess, the scumteam contains one to no FM veterans.
In my opinion, in vets Alice is probably Coven if at all as i read Marshal as Town and i donā€™t read two others as Coven.

As for any potential NK/NE canditates i donā€™t really have any for the being so iā€™m leaving this for future.

Part 3: Lynch Targets

Today, i would lynch between N.1/clonedcheese/Alice. About N.1 i already said multiple time, clonedcheeseā€™s presence is pretty much non-existen despire the post count itā€™s possible theyā€™re scum that tries to blend in, Alice if you look for info about gamestate as my read on Alice wavers between Townlean/Scumlean. And that would conclude my first (hopefully not last) close argument.


I feel like a pro.

But now I feel bad for retracting my claim so Iā€™m going to play seriously and go back to it.

On the side note, can you guys not make RTā€™s on every opportunity, think about sanity of other Townies like me for example.


I got a really strong headache after Wazza retracted his claim. lmao


You know what Seth owes me right? An apology.

Tbh, my shot target currently is in Cloned, N.1 and PKR.

A bad situation that got 3 Town outed.

Thisā€¦actually does look horrible. Alice did the same thing when I was her scumpartner in RM4.

Invest makes more sense than Coven however.

Alice/N.1/Magnus/PKR tbh, Alice did a similar thing to PKR that to what she does as scum so it would make sense. And if Alice is being attempted pocketed by Magnus Iā€™m going to need to rethink my life because pocketing Alice isnā€™t ever easy and isnā€™t worth it down the line because sheā€™s smart, just kill her off and you win.

Iā€™d add PKR onto this list of lynches and remove Alice. While Alice has a chance to be scum I really, really would rather not lynch a PR claim that hasnā€™t been CCā€™d.

It wasnā€™t an RT, it was in the case of CL rolling, planting doubts is easy. Additionally we have 2 RT claims already claimed so planting my own seeds of doubt in my claim was honestly my goal.

Additionally, we have a few issues.
Town Power: CLAIMED
Town Investigative: CLAIMED
Town Killing: CLAIMED
Random Town: Un-Claimed

my bad

Further issues with this. We canā€™t protect Alice and Richard at the same time.

Gee if only I wasnā€™t pushed on to out D1. What a real shame huh?

No one else was pushing on you.

You outed with no reason just like I did.

Further, FURTHER, issues with this, if we donā€™t have a TP then weā€™re fucked.

Lets see how salt there will be until the game ends. I think it will be interesting to find out.

Well, WE have a pseudo TP which is Italy the Gondolla Transporter so the situation may not be that bad.

Also if Seth wants to play with me again, Iā€™m going to twist his arm for that apology he owes me.