[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

did you peak at Twi’s too?

fair enough

I’m going to be posting less frequently due to lack of interest and lack of gamer energy in the thread

also because of not being able to be online all the time but w/e

Hey Twil!ght, if you’re reading this thread still. I’m sorry I called you scum.

bruh please don’t do that Geyde

if people don’t post then its effectively a chain effect if you don’t post because others don’t post well maybe that didn’t make a lot of sense but please keep up with the thread and all

I am definitely keeping up with thread
I just don’t want to give the impression that I’m ducking from thread for alternative reasons

I don’t think I can really read into d1 more and still give accurate thoughts

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plus irl
but that is only a minor barrier

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these are thoughts I can get behind

Oh yeah, I did. I only remember that she had 4 suspects with cheese and Universal in it. Forgot who the other two were.

I think she also said to townread everyone else, but I’d rather not do that until cheese is dead.


At least tag her properly. @Twil1ight.

…tbh, they never bothered to talk with me, so they can die for all I care as long as cheese dies first.

because of Alice/Twi’s reads or is there something else too?

I like going for pogman first due to cheese having pretty low nk equity

All I remember from Alice’s reads are to kill EVO and cheese. We lynched EVO (though town was less cooperative than I’d hoped), and now they only need to kill cheese.

There is no reason for me to townread nor scumread anyone else. If they want to get read, they’d have to talk with me first.

Actually they could have nk equity since a shit ton of people (including EVO) were willing to lynch them

we talking pogman or cheese


I’m a person who compulsively uses they because pronouns

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