[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

didn’t EVO ISO pogman and find them scummy though

Who’s pogman though?

the sogman/possessed slot

…huh. Okay.

I would know about cheese’s wagon. I was one of the votes on his wagon.

Why are you not voting him now?

I think we should have more votes out, ready to change at a moments notice(i.e. we should do more voting besides the one specific person we want dead, instead vote in the PoE. This will give us ideas on who is willing to vote who, rather then who is willing to say they’ll vote someone)


Cheese not voting up EVO looks rather sus.

Request denied. You did this with EVO D2 as well, and even though it is a good thing to have diversity in wagons, I’d rather do that after the obvious enemy is dead.

Though is there any reason to think we’ve miscleared a wolf as town?

Again; why aren’t you voting cheese yet?

you have 4 obvious enemies and im one of them

so yeah I’d like the day to have some content in it

If it’s in my case, then it’s probably meta.
But hey, I’ve been abusing that stuff for months. Can’t help it that I’m so (in)famous as the town village idiot.

…you do realize that -aside from cheese- those 4 were meant to be semi-jokes, right?


didn’t even notice

…welp. Now you do.

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Anyway no reason to delay this any more.
/vote clonedcheese

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FTR, I townread you, Blue, but I don’t have much reads on Derps and Light, and despite it being only reads, I don’t like how Light’s reads are “perfectly fit”. Lotsa townreads. Lotsa nullreads. And yet exactly 4 scumreads.

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