[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

Meh, at this stage it’s hard to tell. Katze is a known memer and could be conven (Katze softed Elementalist as a meme in RM4 and was actually Elementalist), but at this stage we really don’t know.

Eh, it could be a meme claim. In my opinion I wouldn’t put Katze at anything other than a null read right now.

It’s only d1 and things could change drastically, but definitely keep a watch on Katze and if you want CRich.

I also hate my role. It is very useless and I can’t even do anything, but I can vote out scum I guess. Meh, I just hoped for a role with powers.

Yes, that is a citizen hardclaim. If anyone thinks I am scum feel free to check me, but I think I have a long painful life ahead of me.

Why did you hard claim that though?

In hindsight it’s stupid, but I guess it’s the ol’ ToS feeling I remember. Maybe I shouldn’t have and I don’t think the other citizens should out themselves so the informative and other important roles have higher chances to live.

Yeah gorta is obviously claiming citizen. Thing is we have at least 6 Citizens in this game and at this point, they help provide meat shields for TI,TP,TS, TK and RT.

Of course you shouldn’t claim that but why did you think it was a good idea?

I didn’t think, it was just a natural reaction back to my ToS days, which I do semi miss, but I hear it’s pay to win now.

Oh I’ve seen that channel! That’s the Asian dude who like made knives out of the most ridiculous things he could find, right? Like liquid smoke and paper and such?

In hindsight that first claim post was a mistake, but what can I do now? I can’t rescind or make it disappear, just don’t follow in my footsteps fellow citizens

Truth be told I didn’t think of us being meatshields until after I made that post.

It’s obvious your claim can’t be walked back Gorta. Though any citizen who hasn’t said so probably should restrain themselves from claiming as such, unless they are jailed or are on the stand.

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Why is it so dead? Is this what it’s like to be up at normal hours? I hate this

I think most of the people playing this game are sleeping. The SoD is actually good in my time zone.

Give it time Gorta. I promise this thread will revive quite soon.

Probably people are busy at this hour, as for myself i’m slowly filling my readlist. I wouldn’t bother with it that much since it’s a 72 hours per day.

I am just a impatient bastard, that’s all.

I will be back in a few hours then

Cya Gorta.