[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

I claim Jailor.



i’m not going to lie
i’m not a fan of how crich took that seriously, because the exact same copypasta was posted in sfol60

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Exact same wording?
Not counting names.

vulgard posted it
basically all that’s changed here is that the unseen is replaced by the coven

you can expand it if you want to read it

that is indeed the only thing i changed

kat didn’t even change from sheriff to another invest because he’s lazy and knew sheriff was a thing

why would i change it when it’s the class i rolled

Alright, I’m going to look at some tos strategy to determine some coven classes.
If there is a stone gaze tonight, it means there’s a cl and Medusa.

because then i can bewitch you into me repeatedly, thus completely crippling your class, me being the greatest neutral evil ever, the witch

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wait did we both roll the same class two ToS Mafias in a row?

I think the Neutral Benign should out themselves.

i’m going to force you to retrain yourself kat

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Katze did indeed copy from Vulgard in SFoL 60. Yet as I said before, it is a risky move doing it as a wolf.

It’s pretty normal though.
Crich, why do you keep supporting Katze wholeheartedly, but also trying to distance by saying things such as;

remember that time where a mafia joked about how jake (who was the serial killer) was going to stab him, and asked the witch for help

and then i, the witch, told him i would help him :eyes:

also it turns out that jake watches the same serial killer channels as i do
i saw him comment on a video of a man making a knife out of bones, and not in the way you’d expect

why are you watching serial killer videos? Then again, I read a book on first hand accounts on how serials killers did their thing, so I can’t talk

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Oh dear I did repeat Katze’s name 2 times.
How is that distancing? That is my D1 read so far and that can easily change.