[FM] Viva la Revolution - Being Rerolled

Buddying with FireKitten, hello.


Mainly voted due to him voting meme

/vote Luxy

@Luxy who do you think is the scum team?

Buddying in a no-buddy game lol

I like to memez

Shh… don’t ruin the bait plz

Actually there are buddies tho.It is just secret.

I don’t get it. But IMO I think your both town and I think that this whole conversation is distracting us from finding scum and I would much rather pressure frost then meme or solic or orange.

also why do I feel like i’m supposed to be offended by this.

No there aren’t

Scum are not aware of each other at all

Rip bait

Because you put so much faith in my “townslip” earlier

Do you see the same in Solic or

They can win with each other ?

What are you even baiting

But they can’t talk to each other and don’t know who each other are

plz stop ruining my bait



How is that bait

Oh shit lmao

Oh true.But he would read op tho

I see that your both town and that you arguing is silly tbh. (still don’t see the slip)

I can see that your both town clearly even if I can’t explain it. Pressuring meme won’t do any good and I would much rather pressure frost or someone else.

Ok but why do you see my “townslip” but not his :eyes:

I don’t see the slip and I don’t get it.

He could have not read the OP

It was mainly to see the chances of him being scum vs not scum