[FM] Viva la Revolution - Being Rerolled

Captain, if you’re scum, you’d better kill me tonight :^)

You won’t like d2 if i live to see it :^)

Nah i will dayvig you d2 Marl

My scum rolling curse is finally broken though so that feels good
I can join the blocs in good conscience again

defuser can prevent 3 bomb kills by switching back and forth between them(they can defuse on the night it is supposed to explode, right?)

arso can get at least one kill and just isn’t as good imo

Can you teach me how to use vote counts ? I need them for a friend

Voted Voters Number Of Votes
Captain Solic(×3),Marl(x4) 7/7

Oh i got lynched

|**Player1 Name**|VoteMan, VoteGuy, How2Vote|3/9
|**Player2 Name**|Voter, Voters, Vote Boi|3/9

Would make the table

Accused Voters Count
Player1 Name VoteMan, VoteGuy, How2Vote 3/9
Player2 Name Voter, Voters, Vote Boi 3/9
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Thanks this is more better

I think that ‘scumslip’ was a joke.

Right, changing my name to vote boi brb :joy:

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After that ensuing reaction? If he is not a doctor claim tomorrow, I will push him hard.

It’s D1 i don’t think anyone is really taking it seriously besides the plan makers. However, pressure on captain tomorrow is a good idea.

Accused Voters Count
Captain Marl,Solic,Luxy 3/7
Orangeandblack Maximus 1/7

Fake vote count reporting in

That is what I used to think too, but everything after /confirm is important in my opinion now.

Did I just see a post edit1111!!one1

My scumteam guess is pkr + captain + frostwolf. Just my gut feeling right now.

But I don’t see pen tho.If there is no pen it doesn’t count

I think Solic found me as scum tho Luxy but still.Anyway i don’t mind pressure on me.I can give a good defence.

Yes I am agreeing with Solic.