[FM] Viva la Revolution - Being Rerolled

He didn’t claim yet? Gfg

Ok why put him up so high?

Definitely ok with my current vote


/vote HTM

scummier than frost

What do you think is scummy about me?

Your hair

/vote Orange

So, I guess no doctors will be outing. Nice, not taking advantage of this setup…

what if i claimed tracker tho

Trackers should only out after they find a killer after the whole town doc bloc is formed in my opinion.

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Why do you want doctors to out so much? Doctors can be killed by 2 out of 3 of the scum classes. All it takes is for scum to be smart and then we’re facing 3KPN.

no joke
i thought i rolled scum this game
and i was like
“wait there was no night kill? did i forget to submit one?”

so i’m town apparently

I will just quote this again, since with the exception of a select few players, everyone has been online. I borderline feel like you are throwing if you don’t out as a doctor. If we play it like this, we literally only need to find a SINGLE mafia and the doc town bloc will always have voting majority 3vs2. If you would out now, we will win if we like one correct lynch in 3/4 days with a pool of 9 people that will die occasionally too AND WE HAVE A TRACKER. We literally cannot lose if we go through with this plan, unless the mafia vigilante decides to shoot all blanks and try his luck WIFOMING the town doc bloc. The Bomber and Arsonist cannot even touch the town doc bloc as all their kills are delayed in such a way that they will always get healed in time.

this game is, in fact, not chess mafia
good morning

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@Ashe can you include a links section in your op?

Or give me permission to add one at least? :^)

Doctors can only be hurt by the mafia vigilante who only has a 1/3rd chance of succeeding. It is of paramount importance the Doctors do not reveal which doctor they are.

Doctors can be killed regardless if they out or not by the way. This way Doctors can ensure their heals go to valuable confirmed town roles as random guessing at possible citizens being attacked or even healing freaking killers.

Your opinion on Solic’s plan @Marluxion?

It was his plan originally.

Tracker can also only reliably track if they know who the doctors are.

Fuck it. I am a doctor. Not specifying which one. All other doctors out as well.

Am I gonna regret this?


You won’t, if other people stop borderline throwing.

If we’re going with Marl’s plan, I’m outing as protective as well. I wanted further input from the town before outing, so yeah.